Re: [HCDX]: UNID RAI transmitter on 873 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: UNID RAI transmitter on 873 kHz
At 09.44 04/09/98 +0200, you wrote:
>this morning I heard RAI on 873 kHz at around 0400 UTC.
>It relayed the night program untill ca. 0350 //846,900, then into test tones
>(wooden sticks) untill 0400.
>Further monitoring impossible due to a heavy QRM from AFN and Hungary...
>Does anybody know a location of the transmitter?
The trasmitter is near the city of TARANTO in the sud Italy.
I found this information in the booklet "Guida ai servizi" ,
published in 1997 with all AM-TV and FM Rai Frequencies.
No information about this site (maybe new) in WRTH 97.
No information also for the power of the tx.
Wishes, Andrea
And_Bov - a.borgnino@xxxxxxxxxxxx - Ham call IW1CXZ since 1991
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