[HCDX]: From Andino Relay Service
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[HCDX]: From Andino Relay Service
From somewhere in the South American Andes
The following transmissions are planned for transmissions on
6965.6L and 6935.2L khz with a power of almost 100 watts with a
dipole antenna.
9 September 1998 on 6965.6L khz
2230-2330 UTC Radio Waves International
10 September 1998 on 6935.2L khz
0000-0100 UTC Radio Waves International
0115-0215 UTC Radio Waves International
Address for Radio Waves International:
Boite Postale 130, F-92504 Rueil Cedex, France. V= QSL card, and
please include 2 IRCs
For receptions reports to ARS, use the following contact address:
Casilla 2571
1000 Buenos Aires
Thereafter, our correspondent will send your mailing to us, we will
confirm this transmissions with our own full data QSL-card, and
2 IRC would be appreciated for postal fees. Only reception reports
received by mail will be confirmed directly.
-The next relays will be for RADIO SILVER, Europe !!
73s, F.F.F.R.!!!
Andino Relay Service
EMAIL: arssw@xxxxxxx
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