[HCDX]: Rock-it Radio Multicast over the net also
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[HCDX]: Rock-it Radio Multicast over the net also

If you can reach us on shortwave tonight... or thru our microcast we are on
real audio in our new webpage every Friday and Saturday night --- rock-it
Radio has a new webpage and new look though a lot of construction still has to
get done!  but the basics are there to listen to rock-it radio 24 hours a day
over the internet.

thru our new webpage.... it is
by the way all radio folks out there if you would like to put your url in our
page as a link please let us know also--- all the radio clubs out there also.
Please e mail at our earthlink address... which is

                                             Thanks and all the best,

                                                   Bennie Dingo
                                                   Rock-it Radio
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For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx