Sv: [HCDX]: New station on 11300
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Sv: [HCDX]: New station on 11300

I cant accept your accusations. I dont tell lies. I have distributed a news
item regarding a new radiostation operated by the UN which allready is on
the air in Bangui on FM and which is due to add short wave. Thats not a
"hoax". If you need to cover all of the Central African Republic short wave
is a must, and for the UN nationwide coverage is vital.

Collin Miller - if you dont like news on new stations - without having to
throw suspicion on the truthfulness of such news items - then you should
consider leaving the Hard Core DX list or at least keep your rude commets
for yourself. 

Stig Hartvig Nielsen     

Fra: Colin Miller <colinm@xxxxxxxx>
Til: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: [HCDX]: New station on 11300
Dato: 10. september 1998 17:38

Isn't this all just a hoax?

Colin Miller   VE3CMT
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
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