[HCDX]: Universal Radio and the NRD 545DSP
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[HCDX]: Universal Radio and the NRD 545DSP
Hello To All,
A recent inquiry to Universal Radio elicited a response from them that
they are not "currently" taking NRD-535's in for trade towards the
545-DSP. Not even a unit I bought from them only 2 years ago. A bit
disappointing I would say. I can't even come close to considering their
$1799.95US discount price for the 545.
They also say ("By the way, the JRC 545DSP is awesome.")
Is anyone seriously considering taking the plunge?
Mark Mohrmann
Coventry, Vt. USA
NRD-535D (and working quite nicely thank you) with 440 ft. V-Beam
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