[HCDX]: AFN finally heard in the Far East.
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[HCDX]: AFN finally heard in the Far East.
Tried ever since I heard about the station. Only today it rose above the noise level to give me......UPI news. I guess I am still the last person in the world not to have IDed this :-(
12689.5U American Forces Network, Sep 19, 0848-0902, Lang: English, Non-stop non-descript music. Talk by man at 0858 but only phrases like "..has been made possible by.." and "..this is APR World Wide.." (American Public Radio?!?). 0900 UPI news. 14231 [Real Audio Clip at http://members.tripod.com/DXlogbook/logs.html ]
Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Location: Tucheng City, Taipei, Taiwan
mailto: hansfong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
web: http://www.swl.net/radiochina/ or http://listen.to/radiochina
logbook: http://members.tripod.com/DXlogbook/logs.html
equipment: JRC NRD-525, Datong FL-3,
Panasonic RF-B65, 30 m LW
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