[HCDX]: Some loggings 19-20th Sep
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[HCDX]: Some loggings 19-20th Sep

Here are some observations from last night's quick expedition. Equipment was Yaesu FRG-100 with a 280 metres long wire to the west.
19/9 2200 UTC 1026 kHz
IBA Tel Aviv. Fine on a clear channel. Arabic px.

19/9 2205 UTC 1035 kHz
R Baghdad. Seems to be active again. I wonder is this the original Radio Baghdad or a clandestine?

19/9 2330 UTC 7415 kHz
WBCQ. Played heavy rock. Best signal until around 0200 UTC.

20/9 1320 UTC 9165 kHz
R Baku. Booming in Azerbaijani. Bad modulation.

20/9 1329 UTC 11565 kHz
KWHR Naalehu. Info on their web pages. "Thank you for listening to World Harvest Radio..."

20/9 1350 UTC 5985.8 kHz
Myanmar R. Local dialects.

20/9 -1400 UTC 6150 kHz
R Singapore Int. A five minute news bulletin before s/off anns. EE px.

Best 73's
Vesa-Jussi Rinkinen

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