Re: [HCDX]: HELP: UNID on 26595 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: HELP: UNID on 26595 kHz
Thanks to all who have replied.
I don't have a receiver capable of FM or NFM. Is it possible that an FM/NFM
signal could be demodulated (understandable) with an AM detector?
I ask this because I heard this transmission in AM mode.
Or, Do all these studio-xmtr links use FM/NFM?
Anyway, I have been trying again to hear something here, to no avail. It's
possibly some CBer.
Once again, thank you all for your help and for your information.
73s, keep on listening!
Elmer D. Escoto R. wrote:
> Hello all!
> Yesterday, (13Sep98 UTC) between 2320-2347 i heard a station
> broadcasting in Spanish. The program was religious contents, with the
Elmer David Escoto Romero
P.O. Box 2001
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