[HCDX]: interesting auroral conditions
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[HCDX]: interesting auroral conditions

On Friday night and Saturday night (25 & 26 SEP 1998), I did
some listening and heard quite a bit of southerly DX.  Friday
night / Saturday morning from E. Harwich was "primo" to Cuba, 
the western Caribbean, and northwestern South America.  The
long-sought mystery signal in the 604 - 605 kHz region has
finally been ID'ed.  It's a Cuban Rebelde outlet parallel to
600 kHz.  It was noted at 0146 UTC on 26 SEP, this time on 
605.6 kHz.  Pre-dawn on Saturday featured some Mexicans and
a really good signal from RJR Jamaica on 720.  On Saturday
afternoon, on my return trip from the Cape, I did a sunset
DX "pit stop" at the west end of the Powder Point Bridge in
Duxbury, MA.  This site really "cranks in" the DX from
Africa and Brazil, because of its direct salt water exposure
on those bearings.  Senegal-765 and Western Sahara-711.05 
were just about pegging the S-meter.  Some tastier treats 
like Brazil on 690 and 760 (both Fortaleza), Gambia on 648 
and 907.8, Burkina-Faso on 747 showed up.  Everything from
the Canary Islands was loud (much better than the Spain
stations).  Many Caribbean and Venezuelan stations came in
with big signals as darkness progressed westward.  Seldom-
logged WKVM Puerto Rico had a good signal on 810.

I'm getting ready for NEWFIE '98 !

73 / good DX ... Mark

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