[HCDX]: UNID and Sistema LBV Mundial
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[HCDX]: UNID and Sistema LBV Mundial

Re DXclusive Nr 13 770 from 21.09.1998:

Page 3, >> Etelä-Amerikka

1350 5.9. 0000 UNID. Sistema LBV Mundial feidali vuoroin kuuluviin RBA:n
kanssa. LA 147 <<


Dear friends,

I think this stn is Radio Cristal, Salvador. This according to a list of
stns belonging to "Sistema LBV Mundial" printed in their magazine "LBV en
Revista" April 1998.

The list of stns is as follows:

"Sistema LBV Mundial - o Sistema Jesus"

24h operation

stn name, QTH, fq:

Educadora, Uberlandia, 780
Radio Paulista, Sao Paulo, 560
Radio Jovem Luz, Araçatuba, 1110
Emissora do Grande Vale, Caçapava, 1250
Radio Educaçao e Cultura, Sertaozinho, 550
Radio Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 940
Radio Lagoa Santa, Lagoa Santa, Grande Belo Horizonte, FM 89.5
Radio Sociedade Norte de Minas, Montes Claros, 550
Radio Porto Alegre, Curitiba, 1320
Radio Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, 890
Radio Brasilia, Brasilia, 1210
Radio Tabajaras, Anapolis, FM 91.5
Radio Campograndense, Campo Grande, 1120
Radio RGS Radiodifusao, Porto Alegre/RS, 1300
Radio Pampa, Porto Alegre/RS, 6160
Radio Fraternidade, Santo Antonio do Descoberto, 1410
Radio Cristal, Salvador, 1350
Radio Mundial, Recife/PE, 1120
Radio Sucesso, Iranduba, 610
Radio Cidade Cançao, Maringá, FM 97.9
Radio Atividade, Cuiabá/MT, FM 101.9

In other schedules (Times in UTC)

stn name, QTH (also country in some cases), fq, sked (in some cases):

Radio Platina, Ituiutaba/MG, 1240, 2100-2200
Radio Brasil, Adamantina, 790, 2000-0300 (of the following day)
Radio Clube, Itabuna, 870 ,2100-0900 (Mon-Fri) 2000-1100 (Sat),2200-0900 (Sun)
Radio Isapy, Asuncion/PARAGUAY, FM 90.7 0600-0700 Local time?
Radio Festival, Porto/PORTUGAL, FM 94.8 2300-2400 Local time?
Radio Universal, Capiatá/PARAGUAY, FM 93.9 0600-0700 Local time?
Radio Regional do Centro de Coimbra/PORTUGAL, FM 96.2, 0700-0800 (Tue) Local

Also Satellite TV, TV, and Real Audio at www.lbv.org

73 de 

Horacio Nigro
Montevideo - Uruguay

Horacio A. Nigro,

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