Re: [HCDX]: KUJ 1420 contact please
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Re: [HCDX]: KUJ 1420 contact please
On Wed, 30 Sep 1998 22:11:38 +0100 "Karel Honzik" <karel.honzik@xxxxxx>
>Hi all,
>does anybody know how to contact KUJ Walla Walla (WA) 1420 kHz?
>My reports were returned twice, the first one after 2 weeks, the
>second one
>after 7 months (Unable to forward).
>I used the "6 E.Alder Street..." address.
>E-mail addresses to kuj@xxxxxxx nor kujam@xxxxxxx do not work >too...
I have a QSL letter from KUJ dated last year showing this address:
Route 5 , Box 513
Walla Walla, WA 99362, U.S.A.
The verie signer is Tom Hodgins - Stations Owner.
J.D. Stephens
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