[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-43
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-43
[items from this and all our other reports may be reproduced and
re-reproduced ONLY provided full credit be maintained at all stages]
CONTINENT OF MEDIA. I've added full file download in addition to
streaming audio for COM (Harry Helms, http://www.DXing.com, Sept
23) http://www.DXing.com/ContinentOfMedia.html
WORLD OF RADIO. Remember our new times start Oct 3, following
Communications World on WWCR: Sat 2230 on 5070, Mon 0530 3210.
AUSTRALIA: Radio Australia details 3rd October election coverage.
Radio Australia's "Feedback" feature trailed "blanket coverage"
of the election count from 0810 gmt on Saturday 3rd October,
with all other programming put aside. RA will stay with this
coverage until some point between 1200 gmt and 1300 gmt, the
precise time depending on when the result is known.
(R. Australia Sept 26 via BBC Monitoring (C) via Hauser)
BELIZE. Longtime SWLs will remember when R. Belize was on SW
around 3300, and then still audible often in North America on
split MW 834 kHz, but not any more (gh)
Broadcasting Corporation of Belize "to go"
On September 22, the Government of Belize announced the
appointment of a Transition Committee to supervise the divestment
of the Broadcasting Corporation of Belize.
The Committee met last night with Broadcasting Minister Mark
Espat, and held preliminary discussions on the BCB. The aim of
the Committee is to find ways to fulfill the Government's
manifesto promise of divesting itself of the BCB, yet ensuring
that the Government has access to private radio in order to
communicate with the Belizean people. (Barbara Rosado, Amandala
Online Sept 23 via Babbooncito via Hauser)
CONGO DR. Rebel movement gives new transmitter to Bukavu radio
Excerpt from report by Congolese rebel-controlled radio from
The Congolese Rally for Democracy, RCD, has just given the
Sud-Kivu RTNC [Congolese National Radio and Television] a
50-watt shortwave transmitter. Experimental broadcasts using
the transmitter have already started. You can listen to them on
the 49 metre band on 6713 khz... [sic --gh] (Radio Bukavu in
French 0430 gmt 25 Sep 98 via BBCM (C) via Hauser)
COSTA RICA. 15049.00, RFPI, Sept 26, 0500-0530, in
English with News from local news papers, E-Mail and Postal
address, promo for the University for peace, 0514 "United Radio"
programme, needs LSB due to QRM from 15050 kHz, but comes fair
after 0530 when 15050 goes off air. SINPO: 12232. SINPO: after
0530 23333, Also heard on Sept 21 at 0430-0500 in Arabic; have
not heard this station in Arabic before, (John Kecskes, Australia,
DSWCI DX Window)
That's because it was All India Radio in Arabic at 0430 on 15050
(Glenn Hauser)
DENMARK VIA NORWAY. 9935 R. Denmark, Sept 27, 0045, anmt of
fqcies in EG, also in Danish, mx bridge, comment they were
operating with 50 kw, CW tones and into "DX-Window" prgm,
saying that this will be their last one since R. Denmark's Int'l
SW Svc is closing down in two days. (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay,
DSWCI DX Window) [???? DSWCI ed]
Happened to hear R. Denmark, Sun Sept 27 at 1235 via Norway
17785, during their monthly "Tune-in" mailbag program in Danish
with Erik Koie; featured old R. Denmark snippets from 1947,
including English in its heyday, funny sayings, etc., and final
DX Window in 1969. Would be nice if Erik had given English-
speaking SWLs some advance notice about this. This show is on the
last Saturday of each month, and repeat cycle runs into Sunday
GREECE. As I previously wrote you, Demetri Vafeas, Chief Engineer
of the Voice of Greece, said on August 4, 1998:
"I am not involved in HF management, but I will be strongly
involved in the installation of the new MW, SW, and FM
transmitters donated by VOA. This process starts immediately
after vacation."
On Sept 11, Dionisios Angelogiannis, Planning Engineer of VOG
wrote to me:
"New transmitters are in Greece already. *They* plan to install
them in two years. As you see, we need someone to 'Parei kefalia!'"
(I think that translates to knocking a few heads.)
Looks as tho Demetri will be doing a one-man job installing the
ERT 3 -- Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias has moved to 7390
from 7430 kHz for its 1400-2205 UT transmission to Europe
NEW ZEALAND. Subject: RNZI 50th Show Rescheduled
A magnetic storm disrupted short-wave reception on Friday 25
September spoiling reception outside the Pacific of RNZI's 2
hour Anniversary special.
So Friday next 02 October 1998 we will air the show one more
time! Listen at the following times -
At 0530 - 0705 on 11905 kHz, and 0705 - 0730 UTC on 9700 kHz.
The programme will be repeated at 0930 UTC on 9700 kHz. A special
commemorative QSL is being printed for reception reports of RNZI
from September 25 1998. (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI, WORLD OF RADIO
The segment interviewing gh appeared about halfway through the
two-hour show, or a little before; reception was OK in OK (gh)
NORWAY. For RNI's final English broadcast, there was absolutely
no signal Sunday Sept 27 at 1300 on 15640; K index at 1200 was 3.
The NAm frequencies at 2300 and 0200 were very poor, but 0400 was
adequate tho fluttery (Hauser)
At 1300 and other times during the day, I think one of the
transmitter sites was off the air, as I could hear the other at
the same time in Norwegian.
Among NRK's D98 frequency usage plans: 18950 from Sveio expanded
for the Americas, all in Norwegian now: 1000 & 1100 235 degrees,
1200 280, 1300 & 1400 300, 1700 280, 1800 300; also 18950 at 0700
180 to Eu/SAf. Other NAm fqs: 1500 13790; 1600 15705 both 315
degrees to WNAm; 2300, 0000, 0100, 0200 all 9945 280; 0100 & 0200
7465 300; 0300 9945 & 0400 7560 315; per info from Olav Mo
Grimdalen (Joe Hanlon, PA, Sept 29, RIB and WORLD OF RADIO 959)
U S A. WBCQ: Per Allan ... he did not speak to anyone about the
Art Bell Show. This booking is NOT CONFIRMED, and we respectfully
request that we do not have any publicity of things in the works
until they are actually done. It is not really helpful in
negotiations. Thank you.
You have mentioned another frequency in the daytime. Daytime is
available on 7415, but no one has requested it yet. Seems like
everyone wants evening.
FYI, the Nazis are gone. Allan sent them away. Please listen to
Allan's show on Friday, tomorrow 8:00 Eastern Time - subject ...
HATE. He will be taking UT Saturday 0000-0100 for now. Also UT
Sunday 0030-0100 replacing the NAZIs.
Allan & I are in different parts of the state, and he doesn't
have a computer yet. People will need to contact him via phone or
mail until his computer arrives for pertinent information. I get
the email and then I have to mail it all to him and wait for an
answer. The everchanging schedule is at http://theplanet.WBCQ.net
(Elayne, WBCQ, Sept 24 and 28)
U S A. Tuned in WBCQ 7415 at 2358 Tue Sept 29, and heard Al
outroing Sierra, so must be new time for that; said starting
tomorrow, Wed Sept 30 would be new daytime show Worldnet
Christian Radio, at 1500-2100 UT = 11 am-6 pm [sic] EDT. Not
clear how many days a week W.N.C.R. will be, and frequency not
specified but presumably still 7415 even at midday. Then
followed Scriptures for America at 0000 sharp, which has NOT
been cancelled, and Al said 0100 would bring Hour of the Time
as usual, 0400-0700 Watchmen of the Night.
Sept 30 checking 7415 for new show from 1600, inaudible here
under noise level but was audible at 2150 recheck.
Rechecked http://theplanet.wbcq.net around 2200 UT Sept 29,
since Elayne said program sked is there, but it is incomplete
if not outdated (Glenn Hauser, OK)
A slight correxion to gh's characerization of The Tom & Daryl
Show on WBCQ, UT Sun 0400-0700 on 7415, as "about computers"--
I'm familiar with this from Gary Bourgois' satellite network.
They do open phones, discuss computers, satellites, music,
variety, play music; they have vast musical knowledge and record
library; not just about computers (George Thurman, TX, Sept 25,
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