RE: [HCDX]: [HCDX] Hello and a question.
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RE: [HCDX]: [HCDX] Hello and a question.

>>Can anybody shed some light on a out of band station that I picked up 
a>while back?>>24/9/98 at 17:25 UTC on 9164.9 AM.>>At 17:25 it sounded as if 
it was English, but on USB there was a data burst>so I had to listen on 
LSB.>>At 17:30 there were chimes but again a data burst started this time on 
both>USB and LSB making it impossible to hear the weak station.>>I think I 
have taped the chimes and could make a WAV file of them if it>would help in ID 
ing this station>>>>Thanks in advance
The station is probably Baku, heard in Copenhagen, DK with good reception, but 
bad modulation 17.00-17.30 UTC.
73s Anders Brandborg 
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