[HCDX]: Thanks and an offer
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[HCDX]: Thanks and an offer
Hi all,
Many thanks to those of you who answered my question about the station
broadcasting 24/9/98 at 17:25 UTC on 9164.9 AM.
It now seems clear that I was picking up Radio Dada Gorgud, the External
Service from Azerbaijan.
I am rather pleased with that.
There has been a lot of interest in the FRG-100 on some other lists, I have
a report I made on this radio in txt format, if anyone would like a copy
just mail me.
>From Mike, QTH Gloucester UK.
HF Radio's are: Sony 2001D and Yaesu FRG-100.
VHF/UHF Radio is; Realistic PRO 2005.
HF Antenna systems are: Palstar AA30 and 30 foot wire.
CM Howes AA2 and 5 foot telescopic.
VHF/UHF Antenna system is; CM Howes SPA4 mast head amp
with a discone.
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