Sv: [HCDX]: Myanmar/Burma
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Sv: [HCDX]: Myanmar/Burma
> Stig, as I understand it the country name has NOT been changed. It has
> always been Myanmar in the Burmese language. The Burmese government tried
> make the rest of the world refer to the country by its Burmese-language
> (Myanmar) rather than its commonly-known English name (Burma).
> We have English names for lots of countries that differ from the name in
> that country's own language (eg in English you don't call Albania by its
> Albanian-language name of Shqiptar, or Finland by its Finnish name of
> etc etc
> So, for the same reason, most people, including most Burmese groups
> have continued to refer to the country by its English-language name of
> Burma.
The change of the official name from Burma to Myanmar was recognized by the
UN in June 1989 - so when the government of a given country wants the rest
of the world to know that country by a "new" name I think this should be
respected disregarding wether or not you like the government of the country
in concern.
So if the Albanian government wants us to say Shqiptar (heaven forbid that.
Hi) I think this should be respected.
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