Re: [HCDX]: Laser Hot Hits
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Re: [HCDX]: Laser Hot Hits

Stig Hartvig Nielsen wrote:
> I think Laser Hot Hits (6219 kHz) may have a new - and stronger -
> transmitter. Reception Friday night and today Sunday seems improved quite a
> lot - or perhaps its just better conditions. Its nice listening to them and
> they are broadcasting for a lot of hours every weekend it seems. And have
> been doing so for quite some time now. Well done !!

I'm not sure of the transmitter location, but how is this for
a co-incidence:

I have recently got back from a holiday in Scotland (via a few other
places!). I didn't get much chance to do any listening, but one night
when I was staying in Newtonmore, Scotland, I did get a few minutes to tune

I found Laser Hot Hits coming in well on 6220 kHz (or close) and at the
very moment I tuned in they were sending greetings to Lindsay Robinson
in Invercargill, New Zealand! Can't escape from the Kiwi DXers! (This
was on September 19th).

Anyone have an e-mail or snail-mail address for the station?



> However - does anyone know if the station has a fixed schedule? And second
> question: Is the tx-QTH Ireland or the UK?
> The station is also heard at night on 3230 kHz.
> Best 73's
> Stig Hartvig Nielsen
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Chris Mackerell, P.O. Box 2241, Wellington 6015, New Zealand
Home Phone: +64 (4) 232-4216      Fax: +64 (4) 385-2752 
Work Phone: +64 (4) 801-6716      Cellphone: +64 (25) 321 216
WWW:     Email: chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
This is a message from Chris Mackerell <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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For more information, please check
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