Re: [HCDX]: Re: Earthing
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: Earthing
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your prompt response... I have read the article at Nordic SW
Center earlier and appreciate the importance of grounding coax etc..
tonight I buried a pipe next to the tower and shall ground it shortly...
I'll do some "before and after" testing and re-post it here.
> Paul... in response to your question regarding your newly installed an
> 8.5m tower and whether it should be earthed, check out the following URL
> at Nordic Shortwave Centre regarding the topic of grounding. A good
> ground really makes a difference
> Depending how you installed the tower (in concrete or direct buried) you
> might want to consider adding two 6 or 8 foot ground rods that are
> bonded to the tower legs.
Where I live there is excellent earth conductivity so I'll use one rod at
Thanks for your help!
73s Paul
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