[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-46
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-46
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THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 962. See topic summary at
ALBANIA. I heard Radio Tirana on Oct 19 at 0130 UT announce new
times & freqs for their "second" transmission. To Europe: 2230-
2300 7160, To North America: 0330-0400 6115, 7160. They stated
that these times were UT. In the past, they have given their
times in CET. Schedule for Radio Tirana "first" transmission as
of Oct. 25, as heard Oct 21 at 0045. To Europe: 2015-2030 7180,
9650. To North America 0245-0300 6115 (Ivan Grishin, WORLD OF
RADIO 962)
ECUADOR. Update on the HCJB Pifo site problem. A military plane
crashed in Quito near the HCJB studios in 1974, starting the
concern about the present airport. Land began to be purchased
for a new airport at Yaruqui, near Pifo. HCJB found that the
axis of the main runway pointed exactly (as confirmed by GPS)
at HCJB's tallest antenna tower, so HCJB told the authorities
this could be a physical problem, not just an electronic
interference problem. On May 8, 1997, the Director of Civil
Aviation told HCJB to begin studies on relocating its antennas,
but there was no deadline or definite order to move.
Now there is a new airport commission under the vice-presidency,
but not much has happened. Things heated up with the Cuban
crash a few months ago, but nothing of substance has been done.
A contract to build the new airport has not been anounced, but
several bids have been made.
HCJB has looked seriously at two new pieces of land, but no
decision has been made yet. Would like to keep direct access
to HCJB's Papallacta hydro plant now powering Pifo, but this
does not seem possible at alternate sites due to residential
development; would have to work off the national grid, and lose
power when it does.
HCJB has been using the big-gun approach, with more distant
targets than most other international broadcasters, but this
will have to change. HCJB has already been reorganized into
regional subdivisions, so different target areas are yielded
to people in the regions, rather than direct broadcasts from
Quito. So will no longer broadcast direct to Europe, but use
relays as have already started via UKOGBANI to Russia/CIS.
Programming would still be produced in Quito, depending on
staffing; in the case of Russian, staff is now in Russia
rather than Quito. But German is still in Quito, as this
language also serves South America (Glen Volkhardt, HCJB
Broadcasting Director, on HCJB DX Partyline Oct 18 via
Glenn Hauser)
DX Partyline has a new contributor, Dr. Rich Olson, N6NR,
who will answer technical questions, to start soon. HCJB has
had problems with the RealAudio site, but plans to add new
segents, such as Don Moore's recent talk on DXing harmonics
[which sounds as if I had written it myself--in fact, I
think I did, many years ago -gh] (DXPL Oct 18 via Hauser)
NEW ZEALAND. RNZI may modify its frequency schedule in January
due to rising sunspot number. Anniversary Program is available
on cassette for NZ$25 to Box 123, Wellington (Adrian Sainsbury,
RNZI Mailbox Oct 12 via Hauser)
PERU. unID on unique 5678 Oct 20 fading at 1145; tuned in 5-6-7-8
an hour earlier the next morning, Oct 21, when reception was
quite good: 1042 horoscope, 1045 ad for Prostatal, a capsule for
all that ails you, expecially the obvious; bits of Andean music
and time checks 1-2 minutes fast, ads mentioning Cutervo, 1059
yelling promo with several mentions of "Radio Ilucan de Cutervo";
fading a bit after 1100. So this is the latest frequency for one
of the best-heard Peruvians (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 962
ST. HELENA. The propagation-prediction graphic previously
referenced indicates that at 2100 UT, the 11 MHz signal will not
penetrate into NAm beyond the 75th meridian, i.e. the east coast;
presumably farther west by 2300. But based on previous
experience, I wouldn't believe it. BTW, John Ekwall hears from
the station that there won't likely be a broadcast next year,
perhaps never again on SW (Glenn Hauser, OK, sthelena)
SERBIA. New Time for Radio Yugoslavia's Oz/NZ broadcast, as
announced on Oct 16 at 0010. 1330-1400 on 11835 (ex 1900-1930).
I assume that starts Oct 25. No new times/freqs for NAm or Europe
announced as yet. But I expect them to move their NAm broadcasts
an hour later and move down to the 41 meter band, perhaps around
7115 (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa, Oct 16, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL
U K O G B A N I. Preliminary look at the frequency charts
in November BBC On Air show something new for W & C Canada &
USA, C America & Caribbean: 6185 from USA site 0200-0500,
preceded by 9590 and followed by 6175, so this is probably Delano.
Tough luck, R. Educacion, as once again, US frequency managers
cruelly blow away Mexican and Canadian neighbors as if they
don't exist (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 962)
U K O G B A N I [non]. BBC WS via Sackville, valid 25 Oct 0900 to
27 March 0900 -- note day-of-week variation for 17840, and new
service back to Europe! on 11755 which should also be OK in NAm.
UT kHz kW deg target
1059:30-1200:00 5965 250 240 USA
1159:30-1400:00 5965 250 240 USA
9515 250 268 USA
1400:00-1559:30 9515 250 268 USA
15220 250 285 USA
1559:30-1614:30 9515 250 268 USA
1614:30-1659:30 9515 250 268 USA Sat only
1700:00-1829:30 17840 250 285 USA
1829:30-1859:30 17840 250 286 USA Mon-Sat
1959:30-2159:00 11755 250 60 Eur ***
2200:00-2359:30 6175 100 268 USA
9590 250 268 USA
2359:30-0459:30 6175 100 268 USA
(RCI Engineering as of 1 Oct via Glenn Hauser)
U S A. WWCR's Thursday 2100 program in Punjabi seems to give ID
in passing as "Worldwide Punjabi Radio"; paused for a few mins
of talk around 2115 Oct 15 on 15685, and was still going at 2141
tuneout; just how long is it supposed to be? From next week
shifts to 2200 on 9475 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL
U S A. Finally made a point of listening to a few minutes at the
opening of WBCQ's Margo Sierra Show, 7415, Oct 15 at 2300. It
seems she heads a judicial task force in Manhattan encouraging
people to file complaints against judges; haven't listened
enough to determine where she is coming from politically (Hauser)
Among the comments I have heard Margo Sierra make:
Ken Starr should be indicted for extortion.
There should be a class action suit against
the Republican Party.
Spot-checked Margo Sierra again for another few minutes on
WBCQ 7415, Mon Oct 19 at 2303 - must be a bit of a flake, as the
point she was making this time was: "There is no constitutional
right to accuse God of being gay." Blasphemy--the word she used--
must be censored. "All religious groups must stop this from
being permitted for personal advantage of the gays." I didn't hear
what provoked this pronouncement.
There can be "blasphemy" only if one accepts a certain religion
as true. Fortunately in our secular state of laws, blasphemy is
not a crime! And if it ever becomes one, we'll be living in a
theocracy, our freedom of thought and speech lost. (Hauser)
U S A. Subject: WBCQ Program changes
Schedule updates have been posted on the website,
http://theplanet.wbcq.net. Of note is the addition of Brother
Stair's program, The Overcomer Radio Ministry, airing daily at
0700 - 1000 UTC. Conspiracy Theory will replace Scriptures for
America, making Randi a very happy girl indeed, Tuesday through
Friday 0000 - 0100 UTC. Since the folks in Maine think only in
Eastern time, all programs will be airing one hour later UTC
after the time switch. If only the management heard your
comment last week about how we all should think in terms of UTC...
(Tina, WBCQ Webmistress, Oct 19, WORLD OF RADIO 962)
U S A. So Margo will be at 0000 UT; Pastor Pete Peters may be
gone from WBCQ, weeknights at 0000 [shifting to 0100 after DST],
but listed "Conspiracy Theory" is actually Jeff Baker:
Baker was, if possible, much much more hateful than Pete
Peters. He referred to Matthew Shepard as "that hapless little
faggot" and "that rump ranger!" He said that maybe it was too
bad that Shepard had been murdered, but that he, Shepard, had
been engaged in a plot (the homosexual agenda, as he calls it) to
systematically murder millions of people in the United States. (I
suppose he is alleging by giving them AIDS.) Believe me, the
whole hour was filled with ranting hatred which makes Peters
sound like an altar boy and scholar.
By the way, Baker is still talking about "When we get our station
in Central America."
I don't know what Al Weiner has on his mind, putting this stuff
on the air, but I think we shortwave listeners should do whatever
we can to protest. As I have said before, I regard him a little
bit like Jeff White, as being "one of us" because of his previous
interest in radio. But, justifying people like Peters and Baker
under the guise of "free speech" just doesn't cut it as far as I
am concerned. I agree with the comments of Randi Steele, who has
been protesting this stuff whenever it falls to her to have an
on-air shift on WBCQ. (Tim Hendel, AL, Oct 21, REVIEW OF
U S A. Blue Ridge Communications will build and lease out
transmitters and antennas for customers at our McCaysville,
Georgia transmitter site under customer's own call letters!! No
need to hire expensive engineers, consultants, freq managers etc.
Blue Ridge Communications can handle all of your shortwave
broadcasting needs, all work and engineering done under one roof.
The above is our next project!!!! The cost to lease a transmitter
and an antenna will be around 19,000 dollars a month for 20 hours
a day 7 days a week! [under $32 an hour -gh]
New transmitter finished; runs smooth; new rhombic finished;
having rf exposure tested next week; hope to commission unit
November 1 to 10??? Up to the FCC when. This transmitter will
run under WGTG but call letters to change in future, perhaps
"WFPI" -- liberal programming, "World for Peace International" if
I can get the customers [6890-USB]. (Dave Frantz, GM WGTG, Oct 19,
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