[HCDX]: Burma, Myanamar? Beijing or Peking?
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[HCDX]: Burma, Myanamar? Beijing or Peking?

I hate to jump into this but it deserves a good kick. The choice of
Myanamar is that of the "Burmese" government. That makes it "right"
until they are replaced. Just like it isn't Peking, it's Beijing, and
it's Istanbul, not Constantinople. As a political protest, call it
Burma! You'll have my vote, but for a book with an international
readership, it's Myanamar. Get used to it. These days names often do
have a lot of political connotations. Now I will type CHICOM and CHINAT
one thousand times so I'll feel better. Good grief!

Tom Roach
Grass Valley, CA
"Glad to hear Myanamar or Burma, whatever they call it."

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