[HCDX]: logs
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[HCDX]: logs

CHINA , 4820 ,Xizang PB,S1523,  new sin tibetan, 33233,Liangas 24.10 Greece 

INDONESIA, 11760, RRI Jakarta #1,1546 with dangdut music, 32343 BBC QRMs the 
station on 1558Liangas 25.10 Greece 

UKRAINE, 4820, R Ukraine is back (??) on 0002 with program in German, 42332, 
Liangas 26.10 Greece 

SAIPAN, 15380, KFBS, 0939, Indonesian folk songs  23332 at full pre-
amplification Liangas 26.10 Greece 

BULGARIA, 15700NF, R Bulgaria, 1116, program in German with news reports, 
33343, Liangas Oct 28 Greece 

CHINA, 15710, CNR Taiwan, 1118 with lengthy talks by woman (news? Commentary?) 
in Chinese and at 1130 in Amoy. At 1130 ID as ? first?? and small music 
interval at 1137. 1159*, 24232, Liangas Oct 28 Greece

GUAM, 15725 , KSDA, 1157 Man in Chinese with ID at1158, other man on 1159 in 
English with ID giving frqs and  addresses in Hongkong  Next program  again in 
Chinese  by YL 43444, Liangas Oct 28 Greece

ICELAND, 15775, Rikisutvarpid, 1210with USB + carrier, man in Icelandic with ID 
and address , music till 1225  then news and reports, 24242 Liangas Oct 28 

Zacharias Liangas		pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507(temporarily out) 
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D , Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m 
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