[HCDX]: Vietamese speaker.
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[HCDX]: Vietamese speaker.

Is there a Vietnamese speaker around in this group? I have a pretty nice recording of a Vietnamese station on 6667.4 kHz, opening at 2231 UTC every morning, but can't figure out their ID. Presumedly Lao Cai, but that is according to the lists. If there is a Vietnamese speaker, please contact me and I can send you a .ra or .wav of the recording. Thanks.


Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Tucheng City, Taipei, Taiwan
mailto: hansfong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
web: http://www.swl.net/radiochina/ or http://listen.to/radiochina
logbook: http://members.tripod.com/DXlogbook/logs.html
equipment: JRC NRD-525, Datong FL-3, Sangean ATS-909, Panasonic RF-B65, 30 m LW
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