[HCDX]: Fantastic AM BCB conditions!
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[HCDX]: Fantastic AM BCB conditions!
The past couple of days auroral conditions have been wonderful for
Latins over over the dial and not all Cubans. NYC stations have
been covered up by these stations. On 880, I have a tentative
reception of KGHT! Also, I have been able to pick up scores of
new stations to the south of here. They include stations in FL, GA,
AL, MS, TX, and TN! A detailed report will be forthcoming!
Don't despair if conditions appear to be poor and signals not as
strong as you expect. In auroral conditions like the past couple of
days, just listen to the radio a little more intently than normal and
you will start reaping new catches!
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland, USA
Bill's Ultimate TIS Digest
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