Re: [HCDX]: XERF-1570
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Re: [HCDX]: XERF-1570
Hi Patric,
a little bit more from me:
I have XERF verified since 1996, they wrote the following address on the
X.E.R.F. "La Poderosa 15-70"
Lic. Gonzalo Romo Ponce
Hidalgo #349 Pte.
Cd. Acuna, Coahuila, Mexico
C. P. 26200
Telefono: 2-09-30
"Lic. Gonzalo Romo Ponce" is (or was?) a "Gerente de X.E.R.F." and the
letter is signed by him too.
There was also a rubber stamp print on the envelope saying:
Instituto Mexicano de la Radio
X. E. R. F.
They sent me a verie letter and a CD ! A small CD (5 inch, 12,5 cm) with one
"promo" song of Angeles Ochoa, a mexican female singer.
At that time they were sending such small CDs, but of various singers, so
for example Martin Elbe from Germany got a CD with a German singer singing
in Spanish!! Martin was very disappointed as I remember :-)
I think I enclosed 1 USD banknote to my report.
Well, I hope the info will be of some help,
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