Re: [HCDX]: Spanish on 735
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Re: [HCDX]: Spanish on 735

On 11/13/98 20:18:11 you wrote:
>Who is the station in Spanish(?) on 735?  I have heard them quite 
>often and have seen no one else report it.  They are fairly strong 
>right now.
>Bill Harms
>Elkridge, Maryland, USA

>From ""; :

734.8 CUBA (t) OCT 25 0032 - R. Liberacion ? Festive Latin American music
booming in. 
No talk or ID noted. Is anybody else hearing this ? It's LOUD here in MA.
[Connelly at
South Yarmouth, MA]

Some time ago I heard a "Radio Liberacion" mention on this.  Still I
can't claim it as definitely Cuba.  This needs more work.  Florida
DXers should be able to nail this down quickly.

Mark Connelly

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