Re: Fw: [HCDX]: PCH
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Re: Fw: [HCDX]: PCH

PPijpers wrote:

> Werner,
> Scheveningen Radio is still on the air, but end is nigh....
> No more PCH next year....Another one bites the dust.
> So you did hear it in Newfoundland.
>                             73      Piet

Hello Piet,

Yes, I logged it in Newfoundland, and so another participant. This station is
actually fairly well heard in southwestern Ontario when good TA conditions

Last winter, there was a lot of publicity about the station closing, but
periodically, I would see a report, even after the news of its closure was
widely disseminated. I even had the odd reception here and there, from

For that reason, I thought I'd pose the question about PCH's status on HCDX,
knowing that someone here would be able to give me the low-down.

Thank you for your reply.
Werner Funkenhauser


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