[HCDX]: RE: hard-core-dx V4 #757 -CFL
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[HCDX]: RE: hard-core-dx V4 #757 -CFL

> Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 14:25:50 EST
> From: Radiomatt@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [HCDX]: RE: CFL
> In a message dated 98-11-14 13:51:48 EST, you write:
> << [Bob Foxworth]  I believe the CFL was published by Tom Kneitel,
>  k2aes whose outfit was CRB (Communications Research Bureau),
> Hi Bob and other HCDXers:
> The CFL was published by Gilfer for many years;
	[Bob Foxworth]  
	When I re-read the posting I sent, I said to myself what you
state here. I was
	in error on my original post and appreciate the correction, and
the additional
	history you pass along. You know when one gets old, there are
three things
	one loses. One is the memory. I forget the other two....

>  Although I respect hams, I find they REALLY look down their noses at
> "pure"
> SWLs,
	[Bob Foxworth]  
	I've seen this a lot. Have been a ham AND a MW DXer since the
late '50's
	and SWL interest since the '70's. They seldom mix, When I QSL-d
	on 3958 in 1980's hams where I worked said "why would you want
to do that?" ..etc
	(the last QSL I ever sent for, BTW)

>  although I have spent many times what the average ham does on
> equipment.
> They think something is wrong with me (us) for not wanting to exchange
> inane
> chitchat over the air.
	[Bob Foxworth]  
	QSL That OM, you're 20 over into the repeater
> -
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> This is a message from Radiomatt@xxxxxxx
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