Re: [HCDX]: Questions on some US v/s:s
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Re: [HCDX]: Questions on some US v/s:s
Hi Vesa:
WSAI-1530 has been hard to QSL the past several years. The CE says he
answers reports, but few receive any.
The address: 1111 St. Gregory Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202.
According to the secretary, the only person that answers reports are the
Engineers. Jacor owns them along with other stations in the Market
like WKRC-550 & WCKY-1360. I have heard the Engineers at those stations
may answer reports.
WQEW-1560 is also a very toughie to QSL. Again the CE tells you that he
will QSL. He does answer some reports from overseas (he has never
replied to mine, but one of the DJs did. I'm not sure the DJ is still
there. Address: 122 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011. I have heard the
GM has answers reporyts in the past, but never mine either.
WBZ-1030 used to be a great QSLer. Don't know now as I QSL'd them back
in the 1960s. Their address: 1170 Soldiers Field Road, Boston MA
Hope that helps abit.
Patrick Martin
Seaside OR (USA)
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