Re: [HCDX]: Puerto Rico
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Re: [HCDX]: Puerto Rico

At 02:09 1998-11-21 +0100, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any adress to the Puerto Rico station on 1490 khz 
>formely called WZBS ????
>E-mail or snail-mail.

I made a search for WZBS and got 2 hits. One of them went to my own
"birtdaypage"-page (they celeibrated their 25:th birthday February 1) and
the other to an advertising company who listed WZBS with a phonenumber;
787-844-1490. I did also note the domain for this company also is used for
some radiostations in Puerto Rico, so you might try to send an e-mail to
bxipr@xxxxxxxxx The URL for the page is

Good Luck!

Nils Jakobsson
ICQ: 18962423
Eldorado for LA DXers @

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