[HCDX]: Far East Long Path Loggings
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[HCDX]: Far East Long Path Loggings
After the Major Solar Flare at 1619 UTC on Sunday 22 November, I had a
couple of good long path openings to the Far East on 22 and 23
November. Most of the signals had the characteristic long path flutter.
CHINA, PR of. 5320 6790 4460 9170 CNR1 (ID?ed by parallel) 2215-2219
and 2235-2259:45. I had tape rolling on 5320 after 2250, which was the
best and the carrier was cut right before the top of the hour so missed ID.
Double path reception noted on 9170 and severe QRM from probable
Ukraine on 5915. (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
CHINA, PR of. 6937 (Presumed) Yunan Minor. Broadcast. Music at 2220
and a female listing or reading something until 2225. Sounded like place
names and temperatures and a Wx forecast. Whistle IS at 2225 and male
opening announcement into music. A local tick tick QRM ruined an
almost armchair copy. (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
CHINA, PR of. 5010 Guangxi EBS 2227½-2231. Male talk in CC, local ads
(one had car crash sound effects). At 2230 ID by male and then ID by
female with Dominique in the background into English language lessons.
Audio at clip http://www.erols.com/wharms/sounds/Guangxi5010.ram
CHECK IT OUT! Arm chair copy. 22 Nov (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
JAPAN 6115 (Presumed) Radio Tampa, Chiba. 2213 with male in Japanese
reading a script. Poking through the side channel QRM. Loud growl on
the channel. Nov 23 (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
KOREA, DPR of. 2850 Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang.
Male and female talk in Korean and martial music. Loud for a couple of
minutes // 3350. 2211 22 Nov (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
KOREA, DPR of. 3350 Korean Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongsong.
Female talk in Korean and martial music. // to the stronger 2850. 2212 22
Nov (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
KOREA, DPR of. 3320 (Presumed) Pyongyang Broadcasting Station
Male in Korean. Better than 3350 but weaker than 3350. 2214 22 Nov (Bill
Harms - Maryland, USA)
KOREA, PR of. 4115 and 4450 (Clandestine) Voice of National Salvation.
2209 Nov 22 Choral music and talk. Both channels noted. Also 2203 Nov
23 Male in Korean and martial music. Only 4450 heard South Korean
Jammer also heard both days. (Bill Harms - Maryland, USA)
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