Re: [HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] 2940 khz
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] 2940 khz

>if I would call that a long time. A long-time harmonic is the
>Mississippi station (can't recall the call) that puts out a harmonic
>on 2480 kHz. I've been hearing that one for five or six years now.

WWVQ in Aberdeen, I believe.  They were strong back a couple of 
months ago, but they've been pretty rare lately.  KVLH comes in
like a local, though.  I wonder how far out they get?  Seems to
me that the reports for either station don't show a whole lot of
distance -- maybe 800 to 1000 miles, tops, though I have undoubtedly
missed some really distant report.

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