[HCDX]: TFW 75 1/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 75 1/3
- To: 6 - Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <juichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 75 1/3
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 12:52:43 +0100
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright - Part 1
Year 3 Number 75 - Rome, 10 December 1998
The Four Winds on Line - Copyright - newsletter edited by
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.
FAX: +39 06 5126262
E-MAIL: g.serra@xxxxxx
TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting Specrum.
2) Subscription rate: as a non commercial newsletter,
there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of
DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or
transmitted with appropriate credit as well TFW as the last source,
unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line please,
drop me a line.
loggings in order of time; frequencies in kHz; times UTC;
ham codes as usual; Reporting signal quality: Loc = local
signal; E = excellent; G = good; F = fair; P = poor;
VP = very poor; A = avoid. (also in SINPO or SIO code)
FROM THE EDITOR - Christmas Holidays are approaching and, as usual, I
prefer to switch my JRC NRD 525 off to avoid Christmas lights
interferences here in Roma. BTW, as Seasonal Holidays mean brief
vacation for me too, I take the advantage of listening with my Sony ICF
2001 D and of installing my new much more powerful PC (64 Mb RAM, Window
98, etc.etc.). My old PC will be my Christmas present to my two
nephews, as exchange with an old very fine hardwood cabinet turntable
and five tube AM, FM, SW receiver ( hi !!). Next TFW # 76 will be in
short version (with tips of mine only) as my new PC will be ready to
run, thanks to my cousin Claudio. TFW will be back regularly within the
first week of 1999. Of course, I' ll collect your contributions during
this period. Really, thank you very much to all FrienDXs in Italy and
around the world who e-mailed, faxed and mailed their contributions to
Following up to last issue of DX news, if the beginning date of Ramadhan
is changed, then the special program of RRI would be changed, too. The
Islamic leaders (and also the government, the Ministry of Religion)
would decide the beginning of Ramadhan on December 19th. If the moon has
been seen on the night of 19th December, then Ramadhan would be begun
tomorrow. If it has not been seen, then it would be begun on 21st
December 1998. (Akbar Indra Gunawan, INDONESIA / Jembatan DX # 62)
MARTIN SCHOECH - Dear Giovanni ! The QSL news from the clandestine DV of
Burma in last play dx (copied in TFW) was not from DV Burma but DV Iran.
Someone made a mistake, the contibutor or play dx editor. DV Burma has
its address of course in Norway ! Yours, Martin Schoech
Thank you for all our Contributors !
(Any change of Equipment, Web Pages ??
Please, drop me a line !)
BOB HILL, Littleton, MA, USA for DX Report via e-mail RX: Sony
ICF-2010 with Kiwa filters ANT: a dipole about 75 meters long and about
12 meters high
BOB PADULA,Surrey Hills,Victoria,Australia, for EDXP,via e-mail
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy for Radiorama Pirate News,
via e - mail RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700, Daiwa
AF606K, longwire 15 mt < http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <
http://www.radiorama.it >
DAVID J. VALKO, USA for DX News via e-mail RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388 ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
DX WINDOW, (DXW) , weekly soft copy only newsletter by the Danish
Shortwave Club International, Denmark, via e-mail
GIOVANNI SERRA, Roma, Italy (ed.) RX: JRC NRD 525 ANT: Alpha
Delta DX SWL-S Sloper (40 feet) ; JPS NIR 10 filter and Oregon
Scientific clock, tuned with the standard frequency station DCF 77 in
Mainflingen, Germany on 77.5 kHz.
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report via e-mail <
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
HORACIO A. NIGRO, Montevideo, Uruguay via e-mail RX: Grundig YB400
ANT.: randomwire 25m long < http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro >
JEFF YANKO, Belle Vernon, PA USA, via e-mail RX: Kenwood R-2000
ANT.: a dipole at 11 meters
JUICHI YAMADA, Chiba, Japan for Jembatan DX via e-mail RX:
NRD-525 - AR7030 ANT: AN-1
LAURIE BOYER, New Zealand via e-mail RX: Sony 6800W and Lowe HF-225
Communications receiver ANT.: 130 Metres Long 9 Metres High Pointing
E.N.E. Longwire.
LUDO MAES, Rijkevorsel, Belgium via e-mail
MARTIN SCHOECH, Merseburg, Germany, for Clandestine Radio Watch (CRW) ,
via e-mail RX: Sony ICF 2001D ANT: Sony AN 1 (active telescopic antenna)
http://www.ralabs.com/swl/cland.htm >
MICHIEL SCHAAY, Doorn, The Netherlands via e-mail RX: AOR AR7030
ANT.: RF-Systems T2FD and MK1
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina via e-mail RX: SONY ICF 7600
ANT.: Longwire antenna 15 mts. RX: SONY ICF SW 7600G ANT.. V inverted
antenna 20 mts
PIET PIJPERS, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands via e-mail RX: Lowe
HF225E ANT.: 20 meters longwire + MLB
RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia via e-mail
RX: Sony ICF 2010, ony ICF 7600G, Sangean 813 ANT.: Longwire 10 mtrs
and Palomar Loop Antena for MW
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail RX: Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D ANT: 6 meters sloper ATU hand made -
11 m hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU
MFJ 1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow
<http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas>SHORTED !
<http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html > (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )
Copyright Notice: Republication of EDXP information by groups and
individuals who do not receive it directly is not permitted
SW TIPS (TIME - Freq. - Country)
0010- 6535.8- PERU- Radio Difusora Huancabamba, Huancabamba, Spanish,
00.10 - 00.48, Man Announcer, Musical Program (huaynos) ID "Esta es la
emisora de Huancabamba en el Peru" various ID mention several times the
location Huancabamba, "Esta es su radio amiga Difusora Voz de la
Frontera" time checks, "Radio difusora Huancabamba" Dec 07, 1998 (Eramo,
0020- 6690.2- PERU- RADIO ESTUDIO 3000. 0020 - 0040 DEC.4 Full ID:
¨Desde el Dsitrito Miguel Pardo de los Naranjos en la provincia de
Rioja, Departamento de San Martin, tierra santa donde nacen hombres y
mujeres que forjan la grandeza de nuestra patria surge al Peru una voz
de la selva Sanmartinense Radio Estudio 3000 ( Tres Mil ) la radio. la
poderosa Voz del alto Mayo, que transmite en la frecuencia de los 6690
Khz, Onda corta, banda internacional de los 49 metros...¨ This station
have problem with ID, tha male announcers say: ¨Radio Estudio 2000 ( Dos
mil ) but in ID Taped say Radio Estudio 3000. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0030- 7185- MYANMAR- R. Myanmar *0030 Exotic Burmese music with lots of
percussion; brief announcements by woman in Bamar interspersed with
vocal offering and more local music. Man took over at 0034 with what
sounded like some kind of exhortation. Considerably stronger than usual,
though very choppy as always. (Hill, USA Dec. 5)
0050- 3172.7- PERU- RADIO MUNICIPAL. 0050 - 0115 DEC.6 Comments
evangelical. after 0100 prgm ¨El Mensajero de la Provincia¨ with mx and
comunicados. Advs Comercial Taty. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0100- 6797. - PERU- Radio Ondas del Rio Mayo, Nueva Cajamarca, Spanish,
01.00 - 01.15, Man Announcer, Music Huaynos, SINPO 23322, ID "Estamos
llegando a la parte final de nuestra programacion" time checks " ocho de
la noche con tres minutos" "Ondas del Rio Mayo les agradece por la
sintonia" 01.15 S/off National Anthem, Dec 03, 1998 (Eramo, Argentina)
0100- 5025- UNID- Unid R., 0100, Rebelde was absent, and I could hear a
weak Asian sounding stn mixing w / pres. R. Quillabamba. Maybe a
Russian?? (Valko USA 28 Nov.)
0109- 6160- BRAZIL- LBV Mundial, Portuguese, 01.09 - 01.15, Man
Announcer, ID "Sistema LBV Mundial em Ondas Curtas, Ondas Medias e
Frecuencia Modulada" time checks " aghora som las once e trece" Clasic
Music, SINPO 34443 (Eramo, Argentina)
0145- 15820- ARGENTINA- LSB feeder, Radio Rivadavia, Buenos Aires,
Spanish, 01.45 - 02.00, Advertsitments, soccer match "San Lorenzo
Cruzeiro" SINPO 35443, Man Announcer // 630 KHz, time checks "once de
la noche en el territorio nacional" Dec, 03, 1998, (Eramo, Argentina)
0147- 6895,3- PERU- Radio San Miguel El Faique, Huancabamba, Spanish,
01.47 - 02.45, Man Announcer, Music Huaynos, SINPO 24222, ID time checks
"nueve de la noche con nueve minutos en Radio......" ID "Hasta aqui
Radio San Miguel El Faique, Onda Corta, Onda Media....." 02.45 S/off "
El Condor Pasa and National Anthem, Dec 07, 1998 (Eramo, Argentina)
0220- 5385.8- PERU- RADIO HUARMACA. 0220 - 0250 DEC.5 Beatiful mx with
Los Embajadores del Norte, Los Tucos de Cajamarca, Conjutno Nube Blanca
in the program ¨Asi es Cajamarca¨ TC:¨ya son las 9 de la noche con 32
minutos la hora en los estudios de Radio Huarmaca, para toda la serrania
pirana y peruana este es su programa Asi es Cajamarca a trabes de la
onda corta de Radio Huarmaca, vamos recorriendo todo el territorio
peruano con la mejor musica..¨ (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0330- 5110- UNID- Unid R. 0330 Woman's voice plus pop music of some
sort; off at 0332. Very faint. No clue what this might have been.
(Hill, USA Dec. 2)
0500- 21620- ISRAEL- KOL Israel , with ENGLISH NEWS. GOOD (Boyer, New
0728- 15240.08- AUSTRALIA- R.Australia in EG, 0728-0738, (fqy var up and
down 15240.08 / 15240.09, with distorted audio), unclear px with M / W
tlk, mx break, ancm and ID into sport (?) nx. Poor / Very Poor (Serra,
Italy 12 /01)
(Boyer, New Zealand)
0744- 9965- PALAU- KHBN in poss Chinese (tent), 0744-0804, continuous
choral songs, W tlk at 0758, choral song, M tlk. (QRN statics) P / VP
(Serra, Italy 12 /01)
0750- 6234.55- PIRATE EUROPE- Jolly Roger R., 0750-0940+, C&W mx w /
very few anmnts. Hrd a couple songs w/harmonica, and also one w/banjo
prominent. All short anmnts were by M except for a W at 0816. Almost
nothing was readable of any anmnts. Seemingly a partial ID at 0940
"...Radio". Very weak w/lcl QRM till 0900, then clear. Still a signal
there at 1030 recheck!!! Tnx for SRSnews from Jonny for help in IDing
this one!! (Valko, USA 29 Nov.)
0802- 6199- PIRATE EUROPE- BBMS, Dec 6, Rock mx,px in EG 23322
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0809- 15510- AUSTRALIA- R.Australia in EG, 0809, M nx, ID s, mx break,
ancmt into unclear px (many ment Australia) P/VP (Serra, Italy 12 /01)
0810- 6219- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, Dec 6, Pop mx,ID in EG 23332
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0815- 6275- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Bandonica, Dec 6, Pop mx,QTH,ID in EG 33322
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0816- 6199.42- PIRATE EUROPE- BBMS, 0816-0953, Pop mx: "Money Money",
"She Drives Me Crazy" by Fine Young Cannibals, "Rush Hour" by Jane
Wiedlin, "Call Me" by Blondie, "Simply Irresistible" by Robert Palmer,
and others. Many anmnts by M w/IDs as BBMS, UK addr given. A couple
anmnts too. Kind of weak. Lcl QRM was very annoying till it went off
at 0900. (Valko, USA 29 Nov.)
0819- 15084- IRAN- VOIRI in German 0819-0831, W tlk (ment Bosnia H,
Saddam , Islam), with fine mx pauses, fqy quote, ID (ment Iran), brief
IS then M vocals chant. F/G (Serra, Italy 12 /01)
0820- 7306- PIRATE EUROPE- Con Frecuencia via Europe (in USB), Dec 6, Px
DX,ID in SP 32332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0836- 15140- PORTUGAL- R.Portugal in PT, 0836-0902, fanfare fine mx, M
ancmts and MM chat (abt tourism), Portuguese folk song, M ancmts and ID,
mx, W tlk, phone calls, long TP at 0900, mx break etc. etc. Fair
(Serra, Italy 12 /01)
0845- 6305- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London, Dec 6, Rock mx,ID in EG 23232
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0902- 12256- PIRATE EUROPE- Wrekin R.Int., Dec 6, Pop mx,ID in EG
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0902- 6295.67- PIRATE EUROPE- EMR, 0902-0906*, Just caught the end of
the bdcst. M anncr giving P.O. Box 2727 U.K. addr, "We Love the Pirate
Stations" song, different M w/another UK addr, another M anncr, and
abruptly off. Couldn't catch ID, but found out it was EMR via SRSnews.
Nice hearing Europirates again!! (Valko, USA 29 Nov.)
0905- 15150.05- INDONESIA- RRI, Jakarta (tent), 0905, continuous pop
songs, M M ancmts also mix with flute mx, (0916), pop mx, song, ancmst
(poss ID). Poor (Serra, Italy 12 /01)
0920- 6010- MEXICO- RADIO MIL. 0920 - 0950 DEC 6. mx romantic. TC:¨ En
Radio Mil tu AM estereo las 3 c0n 24 minutos...¨ Advs. Padron Electoral,
Cultura Fiscal and Secretaria de Salud. TC: ¨ En radio mil, las 3 con
40 minutos en el tiempo del centro de la gran Republica Mexicana...¨ ¨Si
te preguntan, siempre Radio Mil transmitiendo desde el Sur de la Ciudad
de mexico tu Radio Mil AM estereo... ¨ (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0925- 4560.6- PERU- RADIO UNO. 0925 - 0950 DEC.5 Sl "Cuando te
pregunten que emisora escuchas, contesta correctamente Radio Uno la
diferente...¨ Many mentions to first station´s anniversary in Dec.13 ¨En
tu dial solo Uno, Radio Uno la diferente¨ ¨Siempre con Radio Uno la
diferente¨ after esoteric prgm with Juan de Dios. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0934- 5949. 32- PERU- Unid R, Peru 0934 NA, in progress (so presuming
s/on 0930*), opening ancmt and ID by man barely readable,only
understood "luterana" and a possible mention of mw frequency, maybe an
ID for "Proyeccion Cristiana" but not sure. Rlg mssg by man followed and
at 0941 a rlg anthem sung by a choir of males was played up to 0945.
Another mx theme, then rlg talk by man,echoed modulation, mostly
unreadable but got a "bienaventurados". Another mx theme w/ duet also
rlg content at 0650.Beginning to fade out and a het starting to bother
circa 1000. Also voice ute QRM on 5946 spoiled it badly. Therefore, I
think this stn is connected with the Peruvian Lutheran church.(Nigro,
Uruguay, Dec 1) Couldn't check it the next following day,Dec 2, neither
condx favoured it when checked on Dec 3) Will keep trying as propagation
and personal duties permit.(Nigro,Uruguay,12/ 3)
0936- 0936- 15179.97- CHINA PR.- CRI, Xi'an in CH, 0936, W M canned tlk,
ment Zhonguo. F/P (Serra, Italy 12 /01)
1016- 11470- PIRATE EUROPE- Con Frecuencia via SWRS (in USB), Dec 6, Px
DX,ID in SP (bad mode) 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
1020- 7480- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Benelux, Dec 6, Mx,jingles,ID in GM 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
1023- 7415- PIRATE EUROPE- Int.Music R. (in USB), Dec 6, Info,QTH,mx,ID
in EG 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
1030- 6284- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland, Dec 6, Folk mx,ID in
Dutch 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
1105- 3285- ECUADOR- L.V. DEL RIO TARQUI. 1105 - 1125 DEC.5 TC: ¨ Las 6
de la manana, 7 minutos; 6 y 7 minutos aqui en La Voz del Rio Tarqui
laborando con nuestra onda corta en los 3.285 Kcs, amigos y amigas de la
sintonia a continuacion vamos a presentarles su programa con el profesor
Franklin, Cosas y Casos de la vida real... (Esoteric Prgm)... en un
programa muy especial de este sabado a traves de Radio Tarqui...¨
before 1200 prgm ¨Ecuador y su Musica¨. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
1120- 6520- PERU- RADIO IMPACTO. 1120-1130 DEC.6 New Freq. ex 6674.8
Excellent signal but problems with microphone, very slow sound.
(Rodriguez, Colombia)
1124- 6725.55- PERU- R. Satelite, 1124-1152, Pgm " ?? Camposino" hosted
by live W anncr (She's been on the air there for many years!!). Saludos
and IDs, pgm name, and a few canned anmnts during songs. Fair and
fading. Still barely in when the UTE here came on around 1152. (Valko,
USA 27 Nov.)
1129- 4899.82- ECUADOR- LV de Saquisili (tent.) 1129-1138, Folk mx and M
anncr in definite SP. Weak fading signal and severe SP and EG SSB UTE,
and also CW QRM made it impossible. (Valko, USA 28 Nov.)
1155- 4780- ECUADOR- RADIO ORIENTAL. 1155 - 1210 DEC.5 Prgm: Alegria
Ecuatoriana. ID:¨ la radio al servicio de todos , Oriental con sus
frecuencias 1100 y 4780 Khz, llegan a donde otros medios no alcanzan,
Oriental la emisora comercial mas popular de la Amazonia Ecuatoriana...¨
then Informativo Oriental. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
1157- 7285- KOREA, SOUTH- R. Korea Int., 1157, Usual IS w / multi
lingual IDs by W including EG. Some co channel QRM. (Valko, USA 28
end of Part 1
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