[HCDX]: RTBF again on shortwave
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[HCDX]: RTBF again on shortwave

Translation of mailing from RVI Paul Brems :

Six year ago, RTBF closed down their shortwave transmissions. But now they want to return to shortwave. Because RTBF sold their best SW-transmitter to RVI, they had to seek other possibilities. DTK Julich was chosen and on 9 December a contract concerning test transmissions was singed.

These test will take place between Monday 14 and Thursday 24 December 1998 as follows :

0600-0700 UTC on 15715 kHz

1100-1200 UTC on 21540 kHz

1700-1800 UTC on 15715 kHz

Target is Central Africa. Power is 100 kW. If everything goes right RTBF hopes to go on the air on 1 February 1999. Programme content of these test will always be the same because it is still investigated how programmes will be delivered to Julich.

Reception reports (preferably from the target area Central Africa) can be sent to

e-mail: Relint.r@xxxxxxx

fax: +32 2 737.30.32 (Mr. Jean-Pol HECK)

mail: M. Jean-Pol HECK, Directeur des Relations internationales, RTBF, 1044 Bruxelles, Belgique.