[HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] 1650 X Bander Testing tonight........
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[HCDX]: Re: [AmFmTvDx] 1650 X Bander Testing tonight........

I heard them too tonight.  Barry and I exchange live signal reports 
on the #MWDX IRC channel.  

1650 UNID 12/11 2155-2205 They played non-stop music and no ID or 
talk.  The strong signal strength here suggests either a station in a 
neighboring state or a station further away testing with 10 kw.  If 
they are in AR as suggested by Barry, they will be heard from Coast 
to Coast even though other 1650 stations. (Harms-MD)


From:           	bm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date sent:      	Thu, 10 Dec 1998 22:51:30 -0500 (EST)
To:             	radiorob@xxxxxxxxx
Copies to:      	amfmtvdx@xxxxxxx
Subject:        	Re: [AmFmTvDx] 1650 X Bander Testing tonight........
Send reply to:  	bm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> Robert Ross <radiorob@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hello Folks:
> > 
> >   I am also hearing a New X Bander on 1650 testing tonight with MOR/New
> >   Age
> > Instrumental Music from 2130-2205 EST. Signal is VG+ although it is
> > mixing a bit with KCNZ Cedar Falls, Iowa. This station testing is MUCH
> > stronger than KCNZ....and seems to be looping to the South from my
> > Location in London, Ontario. Does anyone have any idea who this is
> > testing???
> Here in Ottawa it appears to be to the SW, about 30 degrees more southerly
> than the Cedar Rapids station.  The only station on the ex-band list
> that's in that direction is KHFS in Fort Smith, AR.  If it's them, I
> suspect that they're testing with their 10KW daytime power.
> Barry
> --
>   Barry McLarnon  VE3JF/VA3TCP   |  bm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Ottawa Amateur Radio Club      |  bm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   Packet Working Group           |  http://hydra.carleton.ca
> ---
> Submissions amfmtvdx@xxxxxxx

Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland, USA
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