[HCDX]: The Mail
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[HCDX]: The Mail

In August of this year I heard during excelent for the first
time in almost 18 years of DX-ing Emisora Camargo 3391 khz.
Send a reception report with a QSL request, but received no
A few weeks ago I E-mailed the dutch embassy in La Paz,they
told me after a phone conversation with Mr Benito Garcia(sta-
tion director) that the station did already send a confirmation
some time ago, so my QSL is lost in the mail posible.
Mr Benito Garcia has promised the embassy to send a copy of that
confirmation to me.
I think mail is often lost in economic poor countrys like Bolivia,
we must realise that when we receive no reaction for a reception
But with a follow-up you might be more lucky posible.......

Ruud Vos
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