[HCDX]: Loggings 16th dec
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[HCDX]: Loggings 16th dec

Heard the following stations:

5019.82 Ecos del atrato,Colombia 0200 spanish talks and many

4840.10 Radio Andahuaylas,Peru 0150 weak under strong AIR sta-
tion on 4840.00,sign of at 0200 about,SIO 222.

3324.80 Radio Maya de Barillas,Guatemala Id and spanish talks,
SIO 232(0205).

3380 Radio Chortis,Guatemala Id and much Marimba mx at 0225
SIO 222.

4799.77 Radio buenas Nuevas,Guatemala 0235 with religious px
and Id,fine signal SIO 343.

4870.05 Radio La Voz de Upano,Ecuador 0250 with freq.ann and
nat.anthem signing off at 0300,SIO 242.

4835 Radio Tezulutlan,Guatemala 0130 Vn talk,Indian group sin-
ging,marimba mx,SIO 343.

Unid at 4855 Radio Mayak at 1400,in USB,is the location Novosibirsk?

Thanks to some adxboe members for the critics on "The Mail" E-mail!


Ruud Vos

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