Re: [HCDX]: 535 control software
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Re: [HCDX]: 535 control software

I recently received the complete registered version of the Smart NRD 535
control software. I have seen a number of various control programs on web
sites but this one is written just for the 535 and not a generic version
piece of software.  This program is a very well thought out piece of work
that if you are a dxer of MW, shortwave, or a ute, it has some good value.
A number of database systems come with the package of which can all be
modified and you can add your own stuff.  Even if you are a numbers station
chaser, a database is here for that as well, in the utility section.  The
program even has an HF Propagation forecast program. Produces a very nice
color graph and adds the time to the chart via a vertical line to make it
easier to read the chart.  You can add your own location to this and will
 calculate the distance to the xtmr from your location plus produce the
propagation chart.  Complete
English broadcast program listings as well.  This starts my 40th
year of dxing the shortwave bands.  In the past I have had piles of books
and papers with info on various stations and really is difficult to handle.
A number of log books as well.  This program can put all of it together in
one handy package.  The program can produce a log list for submission to
your favorite club or group in the correct format.  I have spent several
hours working with the
program and can't find a fault. I can't think of anything else that could
have been added to the program. The documentation is fantastic.  I find the
program to be very user friendly and well worth the price. You can down load
a demo program from this web site
I installed the program on a 133 mHz laptop and it works great.  The only
other thing you will need is a cable to attach the computer.  A serial cable
and a null modem and then set the comm port and away you go.  This program
works so well, that the need of the help files are minimal.  Hey, the demo
file is free to try, how can you go wrong.  But the extras come with the
registered version, like the HF propagation program and the utility programs
to edit the databases.  There is enough of the demo program there to give
you a good idea how well it works.

Bob Montgomery

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