[HCDX]: News on MW stns in Uruguay
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[HCDX]: News on MW stns in Uruguay

Hi friends!,

URUGUAY. Phone calls to the stations concerned has brought this following
info (note the change of name of R Cerro Largo, now R Acuarela!, but in most
cases info is not new except for the names of contact persons and in one
case an E-mail addr not reported before:

1320	Radio Fortaleza, Rocha, Dpto. de Rocha.
Addr: Zorrilla de San Martín 200, Treinta y Tres.
Contact: Sra. Marta Inchausti, Gerente.

1520	Radio Cerro Largo ---now R. Acuarela-- (since Dec 11, 1997)
ADDR: Varela 750, Melo, Dpto. de Cerro Largo.
Contact: Sr. Juan José Palacio, Director.

1540	Radio Patria, Treinta y Tres, Dpto. de Treinta y Tres.
ADDR: Lavalleja 1530, Treinta y Tres.
Contact: Sr. Neil Sagrera (he is a ham radio operator, they couldn't give me
his callsign, but he´s a member of Radio Club Treinta y Tres)

1600	Radio Litoral, Fray Bentos,
ADDR: 18 de Julio y 25 de Agosto, Fray Bentos, Dpto. de Río Negro.
Contact: Sra. Graciela Villarreal, Administradora.

(Nigro-Uruguay, Jan 16)


URUGUAY. A strong wind storm of 180 kilometers per hour has affected the
northern departments of the country on Feb 2. Most affected were Artigas,
Rivera and Tacuarembo. In the latter case, the tower of 1400 CX140 R.
Zorrilla de San Martin, a 110 meter high tower collapsed and its antenna
system was entirely destroyed. The station, known as "la mas potente del
Interior" ("the most powerful in the countryside") is transmitting, though,
but with an emergency unit. (Osvaldo Dini, stn's Director interviewed in
local radio via Horacio Nigro-Uruguay, Feb 3)


73 de Horacio,

Horacio A. Nigro,

Canelones 1146,
11100 Montevideo,
E-mail: <hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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