Re: [HCDX]: Pirate on 4789.86
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Re: [HCDX]: Pirate on 4789.86
Hi Don!
Heard a english speaking station on 4789.83...the same time as you did.
Wonder what it was..but didnt have time to check it out,but I figured
out it had to be a on that frequency!!
Thanks for the info..Don!
BTW....Australia went rather good on 2310/2325 and 2485...2310
absolutely the best frequency with QSA 3-4 from 1900 UTC.
Alf Aardal
Don Lodge wrote:
> Dear Friends
> I was tuning through the band, as one does, and came across a station
> playing mellow pop music calling itself BBMS, Britain's Better Music
> Station. Seemed to be coming from London. Gave a Compuserve address which
> sounded like bbms4ozone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I listened on 21/02/99 from 2015 to
> 2030 when the Gary Stephens show came on the air. sinpo 34333.
> Anyone know anything about this? Is is heard far from the UK?
> Don Phillips
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