Re: [HCDX]: RRI Jakarta QSL Help
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Re: [HCDX]: RRI Jakarta QSL Help

Hi Mick,

This sounds promising... thanks for your help...

73s Paul
>My lastest RRI-Jakarta QSL card  for a report on 4777 (with 999kHz
>mentioned on their schedule) was received for a Dec 1997 report (QSL recvd
>August 98) from v/s Drs. Syamsul Muin Harahap, Station Manager.  I used
>the address RRI, Tromolpas 157, Jin Medan Merdeka Barat 4-5, Jakarta
>10001.  The address printed on the QSL is Jl. Merdeka Barat 4-5 Jakarta
>10110 or P.O. Box 356 Jakarta 10110.
>I sent a taped report and some Indo mint stamps.  The only error was they
>verifyed the date when they mailed the QSL.  The report was for 4777 kHz.
>They typed 47775 KHz and their schedule denotes 4775kHZ.  Why be fussy as
>any reply is a treat these days.
>Good Luck.
>Best 73
>On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Paul Ormandy wrote:
>> Can anyone please suggest the best route for obtaining a QSL from RRI
>> Jakarta? I heard them on 999kHz MW...
>Mickey Delmage                     e-mail: cidxqsl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>1031-73 Street
>Edmonton, Alberta
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