[HCDX]: Radio Yugoslavia
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[HCDX]: Radio Yugoslavia

Hello friends,

Radio Yugoslavia still aloud here in Brazil, in spanish service. 

Yestarday (0000 UTC to 0030 UTC) at 9605 kHz, SINPO 54444 and 9680 kHz
SINPO 55445.

Does anybody knows the scheds or informative links about broadcastings
transmissions in Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia or maybe others tx from
Yugoslavia in short wave ?

By the way: some newspapers in Brazil related about serbian policies
actions in B92 studios. One day before that I watched Sasa Mirkovic, the
B92 director, in a CNN special interview.

Good hunting !

73 DX DE Flavio Archangelo
Jundiaih - SP - Brazil - GG66nu
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