Re: [HCDX]: Re: hard-core-dx V4 #931
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: hard-core-dx V4 #931

>The Internacional agreement for a
>24h format is XX:XX:XX, where (:) is the separator of hours, minutes
>and seconds. If we discard seconds, the correct way to express
>the time is XX:XX, NOT XXXX. Perhaps DXers and Broadcasters do
>it, but they don't agree with International Agreement. Is like the
>Official Time. Its name is UTC, TUC, and not GMT, Z or anything
>else, so...
>73, Pax et DX
>Jorge Garzón.

Interesting !!!
I always thought (and was "educated" that way as a DXer-beginner) that the
world time (GMT at that time) must be written as XXXX (1900, 2015, 0645
etc), but the local time (CET in my case) must be written as XX.XX (19.00
20.15   6.45 etc) with a dot between hours and minutes (or according to the
Czech norm with a comma).

I saw in various official documents a double dot written (20:30 etc) and I
always thought that they did not know how to write the "world time"
correctly. So it seems I was the one who was not right.


Karel Honzik
the Czech Republic
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