[HCDX]: LA-Loggings
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[HCDX]: LA-Loggings

Hello everywhere,

the following stations from Latin America were observed by myself during a
DX-camp in southern Germany.

Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 300m terminated wire to 260°; 1,20m above the ground
Location: somewhere in northern Bavaria, Germany


3310,  Radio Mosoj Chaski; Cochabamba, April 23, 0005-0035, Quechua /
Spanish, Andean music, Cochabamba often mentioned, program in Quechua and ID
at 0030 in S: "Radio Mosoj Chaski ... 3310 kHz onda corta, banda de 90
metros ..."; excellent signal at around 0010 with S=9.  SINPO  43323.  The
next day I tuned in again to that new Bolivian and found out that they have
QRT at 0100 mentioning the address before closing down.

4471.9, Radio Movima; Santa Ana de Yacuma, April 23, 2205-2220, Spanish,
love songs ("canciones del amor").  23222

4702.2, Radio Eco; San Borja, April 24, 2345-0005, love songs, endless
music, no announcements, excellent signal.  43433

4855, Radio Centenario La Nueva; Santa Cruz, April 24, 0030-0050, Aymará
(presumed), OM talking, seemed to be a religious program, bad modulation.

5952.6, Radio Pio XII; Oruro, April 23, 0215-0225, Spanish, news magazine,
fair signal during word program of the station on 5950.  33323

6135, Radio Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz de la Sierra, April 23, 2330-2350,
Spanish, ecological tips for cultivation of flowers in the garden and for
saving water.  33433

6155, Radio Fides; La Paz, April 25, 0210-0235, Spanish, very fine LA pop
music, ID and jingle at 0230, phone call of a woman named Anita, who sent
greetings to relatives in Cochabamba, fantastic signal (S=9+10). I never
heard before Radio Fides in that extremely good quality. The station came in
like a local one.  55434


6034.9, La Voz del Guaviare; San José de la Guaviare, April 23, 2350-0002,
Spanish, advertisement ("Banco comunal"), time signal at 0000, news, sudden
sign off at 0002 (transmitter problems?).  34433


6025.1, Radio Amanecer; Santo Domingo, April 25, 0130-0210, Spanish,
christian songs, ID, fantastic signal (S=9+10), // 1570, heard with 4 kHz
filter.  54434


3280, La Voz del Napo; Tena, April 23, 0225-0231, Spanish, national
folklore, advertisement, ID: "Radiodifusora Cultural Voz del Napo", c/d
0231.  22322


4799.8, Radio Buenas Nuevas; San Sebastian, April 23, 0310-0325, Spanish,
religious program, prayers, piano music.  43433


4819.2, La Voz Evangélica HRVC; Tegucigalpa, April 24, 0105-0110, Spanish,
religious program, jingle with ID.  22322


6185, Radio Educación; México Ciudad, April 23, 0155-0205, Spanish, Mexican
folklore, IDs in E and S, excellent signal.  44434

6010, Radio Mil; México Ciudad, April 23, 0330-0400, Spanish, discussion,
Méxican folklore songs, ID, blocked 0400 by BBC.  22322


3234.8, Radio Luz y Sonido; Huanuco, April 23, 0235-0304, Spanish, Andean
music, many IDs, outlook to the program of tomorrow ("programación de la
mañana"), ID: "Radio Luz y Sonido con buena música", c/d 0304.  33423

3340, Radio Altura; Cerro de Pasco, April 23, 0040-0105, Spanish, soccer
information and outlook on the coming soccer matches, religious
contemplation after 0100.  33323

4485.4, Radio Frecuencia VH; Celendín, April 24, 2300-2325, Spanish,
comunicados, huayño music, time announcements, ID, bad modulation.  23222

4824.4, La Voz de la Selva; Iquitos, April 25, 0235-0245, Spanish, música
peruana, ID, bad modulation.  34433

4826.4, Radio Sicuani, April 23, 2245-2300, Spanish, reports from soccer
matches in the Cusco department, time announcements, ID.  23322

4840, Radio Andahuaylas, April 23, 2225-2245, Spanish, Andean music, ID,
sudden sign off at 2245.  23322

4855.6, Radio La Hora; Cusco, April 24, 2325-2340, Spanish, advertisement,
time announcement, soccer information, ID.  34333

4886.7, Radio Virgen del Carmen; Huancavelica, April 25, 0105-0115, Spanish,
christian songs, ID.  22322

4975.1, Radio del Pacífico; Lima, April 23, 2305-2320, Spanish, christian
songs, religious program called "La Voz del Pastor".  34423

4990.9, Radio Ancash; Huaraz, April 24, 2250-2305, Spanish, Happy Birthday
song, religious program.  34333

4995.6, Radio Andina; Huancayo, April 25, 0035-0050, Spanish, letters from
listeners abroad, ID.  33433

5018, Radio Horizonte; Chachapoyas, April 23, 0120-0125, Spanish, rosary,
Ave Maria song.  43323

5025, Radio Quillabamba, April 25, 0120-0130, Spanish, YL talking under
Rebelde, ID.  O=1-2

5039.2, Radio Libertad de Junín, April 24, 2230-2250, Spanish, very nice
Peruvian love songs, comunicados, advertisement, ID.  33323

5678, Radio Ilucan; Cutervo, April 23, 2320-2330, Spanish, news magazine
with phone reports, ID.  22322

6115.1, Radio Unión; Lima, April 24, 0110-0140, Spanish, reflections about
live in the next century ("el nuevo hombre en el año 2000"), commercial for
a clinic for natural medicine in Lima, ID: "Unión la Radio" with echo
effects; station totally dominating over Voz del Llano, fantastic signal
(S=9).  44423

6195.5, Radio Cusco, April 23, 0140-0155, Spanish, huayño music, information
or message of the Peruvian President, many IDs, excellent signal,
unfortunately blocked at 0200 by BBC.  44323

6535.6, Radio Difusora Huancabamba; April 23, 0130-0140, Spanish, Andean
music, mensajes, ID.  33323

6675.5, Radio Super Sensación; Huancabamba, April 22, 2300-2325, Spanish,
Andean music; new QRG (ex 6618), ID: "Radio Super Sensación en onda corta
... a todo el Perú" and also "Nueva (!) Sensación de Huancabamba".  33323

6797.7, Ondas del Rio Mayo; Nueva Cajamarca, April 22, 2325-2345, Spanish,
huayño music, ID 2330, religious program, sermon about the family.  34323

6987.1, Radio San Miguel de El Faique; Huancabamba, April 24, 0215-0245,
Spanish, Andean music, comunicados, many IDs, c/d 0245.  23322

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
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