Re: [HCDX]: Yugoslav radio/Cumbre 23.4.99
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Re: [HCDX]: Yugoslav radio/Cumbre 23.4.99

>At 22.28 25.4.1999 +0300, you wrote:
>>At this moment (April 25 2025 UTC) Radio Belgrad is heard with
>>strong signals on 7200 kHz and 684 kHz.
>>Remeber that the SW site of Yugoslav radio external service is in
>>Bijeljina which is in the Serb republic part of Bosnia.  If this
>>radio station is bombed by the Nato it means that Nato is
>>destroying the Dayton peace agreement!
>The WRTH -99 lists 7200 kHz as home service relay from Stubline, Serbia. Is
>that destroyed already?

It wasn't as of Monday morning:

7200 YUGOSLAVIA RTV Srbije Stubline 4/26/99 0245 Mixing with VOA English,
slavic music, ID in Serbo-Croat @ 0300 "Radio Televisie Srbije, Radio Novi
Sad, Radio Pristina, Radiostantsiya Srbije", into news with many mentions
of President Milsovic, VOA off at 0300, ID again @ 0306 and 0310, into
cheesy patriotic pop music (Brandi-NJ)
Ralph Brandi   ralph@xxxxxxxxxx

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