[HCDX]: tfw 87 1/2
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[HCDX]: tfw 87 1/2
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright Part 1
Year 4 Number 87 - Rome, May 12, 1999
FAX: +39 06 5126262
E-MAIL: gio.ser@xxxxxxxxxxx
The Four Winds on Line - Copyright - DX newsletter edited by
Giovanni Serra, Rome - Italy.
TFW on Line Policy
1) TFW on Line covers only the SW Broadcasting Specrum.
2) Subscription rate: as a non commercial newsletter,
there is no fee to subscribe TFW on Line.
3) TFW on Line is distributed to Individuals, DX Editors,
Clubs and Organizations, asking for the reciprocal exchange of
DX Bulletins and / or contributions.
4) Excerpts may be reprinted,translated, e-mailed and / or
transmitted with appropriate credit as well TFW as the last source,
unless Copyright indicated.
5) Not to be redistributed or reposted without permission.
6) Suggestions and ideas are welcome.
7) If you no longer wish to receive TFW on Line please,
drop me a line.
loggings in order of TIME; frequencies in kHz; times UTC;
ham codes as usual; Reporting signal quality: Loc = local
signal; E = excellent; G = good; F = fair; P = poor;
VP = very poor; A = avoid. (also in SINPO or SIO code)
Thank you for all our Contributors !
(Any change of Equipment, Web Pages?? Please, drop me a line)
ANKER PETERSEN, Skovlunde, Denmark via e-mail RX: NRD525
ANT.: 30 m longwire
ARNALDO L.SLAEN, Buenos Aires, Argentina via e-mail, RX: Sony -
Realistic DX150 ANT.: longwire
BRUNO PECOLATTO, Pont Canavese (TO) Italy for Radiorama Pirate News,
via e - mail RX: Kenwood R5000, Lowe HF150 ANT.: Yaesu FRT7700, Daiwa
AF606K, longwire 15 mt < http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm > <
http://www.radiorama.it >
PAUL ORMANDY, Oamaru, New Zealand via e-mail RX: Drake SPR-4
ANT: from home 2 x 25 metre dipoles in a V - from Waianakarua, 3 x 300m
Beverages aimed at the USA, 1 x 450 metre aimed at South America and 1 x
300m aimed at Hawaii/Alaska.
CHARLES BOLLAND, Lake Worth FL, USA via e-mail RX: NRD535D and NRD525
ANT.: Longwire < http://www.flinet.com/~chuck/ >
DAVID J. VALKO, USA for DX News via e-mail RX: JRC NRD-535D -
Collins R-388 ANT.: 33 meter (NE-SW) Longwire "T"
ELMER DAVID ESCOTO ROMERO, San Pedro Sula, Honduras via e-mail RX:
Panasonic RF-4900B, Ant.: Dipole for 17 and 27 MHz, 12 meter "longwire"
GABRIEL IVAN BARRERA, (GIB) Buenos Aires - Argentina via e-mail
GLENN HAUSER (GH), Enid OK, USA for GH SW/DX Report via e-mail <
http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio >
MARK J.FINE, Remington, VA, USA via e-mail
<http://www.erols.com/fineware > RX: JRC NRD-535D ANT.: 66' longwire
that slopes slightly southeast
NICOLAS ERAMO, Buenos Aires, Argentina via e-mail RX: SONY ICF 7600
ANT.: Longwire antenna 15 mts. RX: SONY ICF SW 7600G ANT.. V inverted
antenna 20 mts
RAFAEL RODRIGUEZ R., Santafe de Bogota D.C., Colombia via e-mail
RX: Sony ICF 2010, ony ICF 7600G, Sangean 813 ANT.: Longwire 10 mtrs
and Palomar Loop Antena for MW
RUUD VOS, Utrecht, The Netherlands via e-mail RX: NRD-545 ANT.:
THOMAS R. SUNDSTROM, Vincentown, NJ, USA ( via e - mail ) RX: Lowe
HF-150 & Ten-Tec RX-320 PC receiver ANT: 300-ft inverted-L, 80-ft
vertical wire --- TRS Consultants <http://www.trsc.com> Contributing
Editor, Radio Netherlands' Media Network
<http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/>Contributing Editor, 'Radio &
Communications' <http://www.trsc.com/Radio_and_Communications>
ZACHARIAS LIANGAS, Thessalloniki, Greece via e-mail RX: Lowe HF 150 -
Philips 2935 - Sony ICF 7600 D ANT: 20 m sloper ATU hand made - 11 m
hor ( for 40 m - 60 m ) - 6 m antenna tilted upward MFJ 16010 ATU MFJ
1040 b preselector MFJ 1025 antenna shadow <
http://www.compulink.gr/Users/zliangas > SHORTED ! <
http://www.clandjop.com/~jcruzan/greek-p.html > (mirrored for greek
pirate radio )
MONITORING SW ENGLISH SERVICES, By Gianni Serra, Ed. (hrd ID and / or
IS for all stns with no // fqys)
(date: May 9 1999)
0735- ROMANIA- R.Romania Int 15340 / 17745 (fair on both fqys)
0740- UNITED KINGDOM- Merlin Network One 6110 / 9915 / 21550 (all fqys
0747- RUSSIA- V.o.Russia 21790 (F/P) / 17495 ( from 0800; Poor)
0803- AUSTRALIA- R.Australia 15515 (F/P) / 21725 (Poor)
0806- GERMANY- DW 6140 (F/G)
0820- USA, SC- WSHB 9845 (P) / 9860 (F)
0833- AUSTRIA- R.Austria Int. 21650 (F / P ) / 21765 (F/G)
0907- CZECH REP. R.Prague Int. 21744.98 (F/P)
0910- GERMANY- DW 6140 (F) / 15410 (Rwanda- Very Poor) / 15470
(Portugal-Very Poor) / 17560 (Sri Lanka-Fair) / 17800 (Rwanda-Very
poor) / 21680 (F/G) / 21790 (F/G)
0927-0929*- ARMENIA- V.o.Armenia 15270 (Fair) S/OFF at 0929
0933- ITALY- AWR Europe 7230.02 (DX pgm) (F/P)
0941- LITHUANIA- R.Vilnius 9710 (F)
1008- INDIA- A.I.R. 17387 (F)
1034- UAE- R.Dubai 13675 (F/P) / 15370 (P) / 21605 (P)
1040- THE NETHERLANDS- R.Netherlands 6045 (Germany- F/P) / 9860
(Germny- F)
1113- BULGARIA- R.Bulgaria 15700.01 (Fair with muffled audio) /
17500 (F)
1117- SWITZERLAND- Swiss R. Int. 21770 (F)
1132- BELGIUM- R.Vlaanderen Int 5985 ( DX pgm Radio World) (F)
1143- SWEDEN- R.Sweden 18960 ( F/G) / 21810 (F)
1409- ISRAEL- KOL Israel 17534.86 (F) / 15650 (F)
1415- USA. V.of America 15425 (Philippines) (F/P) / 15255 (Greece)
SW TIPS (TIME - Freq. - Country)
0025- 6675.4- PERU- Radio Super Nueva Sensacion, Huancabamba, May 1,
0025 - 0105, Spanish, man announcer, Musical program "Huaynos and San
Juanito" ID "Radio Super Nueva Sensacion les informa la hora siete con
cuarenta minutos de la noche" Huancabamba los saluda a traves de su
emisora" " Radio Super Nueva Sensacion de Huancabamba", SINPO 23332,
(Eramo, Argentina)
0030- 6520.2- PERU- Radio Paucartambo, Cusco, Monitored since Apr 29,
between 0030 - 02.50 / 0300* with programs in Quechua and Spanish, the
Quechua programs with huayno music the spanish programs with
Latin/Spanish and Italian singers(interpreted in spanish) Romantic
Music from 60's, 70 and 80's Music from Argentina, Uruguay and others
countries the spanish program call "Musica del Recuerdo" trought the
week I listen the following ID's "Paucartambo Radio" "Radio Paucartambo
Frecuencia Modulada y Onda Corta en la Banda Internacional de 49 metros"
"Radio Paucartambo desde Cusco Peru" "Buenas Noches les desea Radio
Paucartambo" SINFO 23432 (Eramo, Argentina)
0045- 3230.5- PERU- Radio El Sol De Los Andes 0045-0115 May 1. Female
and male announcers read the list of the applicants to Universidad del
Altiplano " vamos en todo caso a informar a nuestra audiencia que esta
relacion de aspirantes permanecera como siempre en las instalaciones de
Radio El Sol de los Andes..." ID:" El Sol de los Andes la emisora que
siempre esta en el corazon del pueblo..." after 0120 special
transmission from Municipalidad de Chuco for the 145th anniversary.
(Rodriguez, Colombia)
0131- 13670- CANADA- RCI, 0131, ID by man in Spanish. (Valko, USA 30
0224- 9640- PORTUGAL- Deutsche Welle relay, 0224, Spanish programing. ID
by man. (Valko, USA 2 May)
0230- 9645- VATICAN- Vatican R., 0230, ID by woman in Spanish, IS. Weak
with QRM from 9645.13. (Valko, USA 2 May)
0259- 7110- ETHIOPIA- R Ethiopia, April 27, 0259-0315. Sunrise, fair
signal, with short IS, ID, and what may be time pips (sounds like gongs
to us). Best tuned on USB to fix clutter in 40m ham band. Sound file at
www/trsc/com. (Sundstrom, USA)
0310- 4750- PERU- Radio San Francisco Solano 0310-0331 May 1 Noted after
long time inactive. mx tropical. TC:"...las 10 de la noche con 20
minutos, 10 de la noche mas 20 minutos aqui en las potentes ondas de
Radio San Francisco Solano...vamos a continuar con los ambientes
musicales a esta hora, vamos a presentarte otro hermoso tema del aserbio
criollo por las ondas de Radio San Francisco Solano. At the 0328 off:" y
bien amigos estamos llegando a la parte final de la programacion
correspondiente al dia de hoy esperando que haya sido de su completo
agrado, esperamos pues contar con su grata sintonia el dia de mañana a
partir de las 7 y si Dios lo permite estaremos con ustedes nuevamente
para llevarles siempre lo mejor de nuestra programacion a traves de las
potentes ondas de Radio San Francisco Solano que transmite...." signal
off. (Rodriguez, Colombia)
0627- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, May 1st, Mx rock,ID in E
23322 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0644- 6301- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Torenvalk, May 9th, Mx folk,ID in Dutch,E
33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0648- 5805- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London, May 2nd, Mx rock,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0649- 6269.7- PIRATE EUROPE- R.AL Int., May 9th, Mx dance,ID,QTH in E
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0654- 4845- MAURITANIA- Radio Mauritania, May 02, 0654-0704, Koran
chanting, at 0656 man in Arabic, then more chanting with chord
instrument accompaniment. At 0700 clear mention of "Mauritaniyyah", then
chords and man presumably reading news (mentioning "Amerikiyya",
Washington, etc, more chords, man speaks again. Signal strength is fair,
but audio is low. SINPO=35332 (Escoto, Honduras)
0657- 7460- PIRATE EUROPE- Europe 41, May 9th, Mx non stop,jingle ID in
E 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0703- 6306- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Blue Star, May 2nd, Mx folk,ID in E 33333
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0708- 11390- PIRATE EUROPE- Marconi R.Int., May 9th, Mx,info DX,ID in
It,E 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0711- 5680- CUBA- Radio Rebelde, May 02, 0711-0712, "Son" music, with
heavy static noise. Fair to poor signal. Harmonic? SINPO=25222 Also
heard at 2333 re-check, with SINPO=35333 (Escoto, Honduras)
0717- 11390- PIRATE EUROPE- Marconi R.Int., May 2nd, Mx,jingle ID in
It,E 23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0731- 6906- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Brigitte Int., May 2nd, Folk mx,ID in E
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0736- 6115- PERU- Radio Unión, May 02, 0736-0737 Heard with non-stop
music, no announcements. SINPO=45323 (Escoto, Honduras)
0812- 9700-NEW ZEALAND- Radio New Zealand, May 02, 0812-0833, Talking
about history, fight in late 1880s with maori warriors, first maori
king's anniversary, letters, etc. The program is called "Sounds
Historical". Then they announce a book that tells the history of the
National Bank. SINPO=45544 (Escoto, Honduras)
0831- 6266- PIRATE EUROPE- UK R.Int. May 2nd, Rock mx,px in E 23322
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0850- 6160- CANADA- CKZN- Newfoundland, April 20, 0850-0915. Canadian NA
0850, second Canadian patriotic (vocal) song "My Newfoundland", full
sign-on 0855. DW Antigua late with its IS, so we heard/recorded the
entire s/on. CKZN put up a good fight for the next 15 minutes. CKZN
announced power as 1 kw, different from what PWBR and WRTH show.
(Sundstrom, USA)
0853- 6261- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Dr.Tim, May 1st, Folk mx,ID in G,E 23332
(Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0933- 6284- PIRATE EUROPE- Farmers from Holland, May 2nd, Folk mx,ID in
Dutch 33333 (Pecolatto, Italy / Radiorama Pirate News)
0938- 11775- NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS- VOA Tinian, On 4 May, 0938-0947,
In English with program "Endangered Peoples" with man announcer host,
ID and TC at 0945, then feature on Aids. // to extremely weak 13610.
This frequency fair. Then, on 5 May, caught them signing on at *0758
with "Yankee Doodle" and IDs on this frequency. Also have been the other
English transmission on 15420 fading in around 1130 to past 1230 (its
scheduled to sign off at 1300). Thanks Dan Ferguson for schedule.
(Valko, USA)
0944- 5950- GUYANA- V.O. Guyana/GBC, 0944-0950, Religious program with
man host talking in English about the Rapture. Brief instrumental
religious music, a different man announcer followed by a woman announcer
with a possible ID, and into Hindi vocal music. Then WYFR's open carrier
came on at 0950 and effectively wiped them out. No doubt this was Guyana
as the accented English and programming gives it away. (Valko, USA 3
0945- 9721,6- PERU- Radio Victoria, Lima, may 9, 0945-09:55 UTC,
religious programme. Long commentary read by a man in "portuñol", (Slaen, Argentina)
0945- 11690- CHILE- R. Voz Christiana, 0945-1045, Usual religious
programing, full IDs with frequencies. Quite strong with RTTY QRM.
(Valko, USA 28 April)
0945- 6070.07- CHILE- R. Voz Christiana, 0945-1030, Religious music, and
one lively Latin American song. Finally, full ID by man at 1002, then
into long religious tlk programs. Fair with QRM from very weak (pres.)
Canadian and RRI Jayapura below. (Valko, USA 30 April)
0955- 4975.09- PERU- Radio del Pacifico 0955-1010 Noted music until the
hour, then into NA. Expected an ID to followed, but instead more Huaynos
music. Signal was fair (Bolland, USA April 29)
0955- 5040-PERU- Radio Libertad De Junin 0955-1010 May 2 Noted full
s/on: " Esta es Radio Libertad de Junin dando inicio a su transmision de
la fecha al hacerlo desde los 5040 Kcs en onda corta, 1180 kcs en onda
media y 97.7 mghz en frecuencia modulada...renovamos nuestra promesa de
todos los dias es decir brindarles en las siguientes horas y en todo
momento lo mejor de la musica y la mas completa informacion, Bienvenido
a Radio Libertad de Junin tu siempre nueva radio..." (Rodriguez,
1000- 6520,2- PERU- Radio Paucartambo, may 9, 10:00-10:07 UTC, huaynos,
ann. In quechua, ID "Paucartambo Radio", (Slaen, Argentina)
1000- 6160- BRAZIL- Sistema LBV Mundial, Porto Alegre, may 2,
10:00-10:07 UTC, ID , ann. "Sistema LBV Mundial, marcando a sistema da
comunicacao em su tempo". Programme: "Brasil Rural", (Slaen,
1010- 3310- BOLIVIA- Radio Mosoj Chasqui 1010-1020 Noted man in comments
with music. Signal was poor (Bolland, USA April 29)
1010- 6520.1- PERU- Radio Paucartambo. 1010-1130 May 1, Reactived in new
frequency. Listen from various week ago but I don´t could identifify
because I noted only transmission in QQ. In the Last Weekend more
programs in SS ID:" Usted escucha Radio Paucartambo, una estacion en el
corazon de la patria desde Paucartambo, Cusco, Republica del Peru..." In
may 2 at the 0230 prgm La Hora elegante del Huayno. (Rodriguez,
1013- 4782,2- ECUADOR- Radio Oriental, Tena, may 2, 10:13-10:21 UTC,
advs "...Bazar y Ferreteria Rosita....", ann. "...estan en sintonia de
Radio Oriental....nuestro saludo para el señor guardia del Municipio de
Tena que siempre esta en sintonia de Radio Oriental", musica folklorica
("pasillos"), (Slaen, Argentina)
1020- 4814.36- PERU- Radio Amazonas, Presumed 1020-1035 Noted a man in
Spanish Comments for a couple of minutes, then into Huaynos music. After
set of music, man talks again. Too much QRN this morning unfortunately
to catch clear ID. (Bolland, USA)
1022- 4996- PERU- Radio Andina, Huancayo, may 2, 10:22-10:30 UTC,
commentary about old experiences about the sown of potatoes in Peru, (Slaen, Argentina)
1025- 5025- PERU- Radio Quillabamba, Quillabamba, may 9, 10:25-10:29
UTC, ann.: "...llegando hasta cada uno de los rincones de nuestra
patria....", after, religious message. (Slaen, Argentina)
1030- 6675.48- PERU- Radio Super Nueva Sensacion 1030-1100 Noted a man
in Spanish comments during and after music giving TC, and ID as "Radio
Super Nueva Sensacion. Signal was a good level during listening period.
(Bolland, USAMay 4 )
end of Part 1
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