[HCDX]: DXing parallel to Grayland DXpedition
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[HCDX]: DXing parallel to Grayland DXpedition

I understand that a major DXpedition is underway at
Grayland, WA on the US West Coast.  Refer to
" http://surf.to/grayland99 ".

This weekend I did some DX as a sort of "parallel
effort".  I also expect to DX on Wednesday night
(UTC Thursday morning: 1 JUL) from Rockport, MA.

Here's what I've logged so far on the parallel
effort during this time of year with the shortest
nights.  Dates and times are UTC.

*** South Orleans, Cape Cod, MA: 26 JUN 1999 ***

0200-0259 UTC : Anguilla-690, Cuba-720, Spain-729,
Colombia-760, Cuba-759.78, Spain-792, St. Kitts-830,
Cuba-830, Canaries-837, Italy-846, Spain-684,
Spain-855, unID-940 with EE talk and classical music
(like old CBM that's now off), Spain-1044, unID-1050.31,
Cuba-1060, UK-1089, Venezuela-1140, Bermuda-1160,
UK-1215, Libya-1251, Spain-1296, St. Pierre-1375,
Sudan-1296 interval signal blasting over Spain (!) at
0250 UTC.  Colombia-1170, Spain-1134, unID-1135.8 weak
het, Spain-1116, Spain-1107

0300-0324 UTC: Sudan-1296 sign-on LOUD !, Sao Tome-1530
(good, // 7105), unID-1529.54 het against Sao Tome & WSAI,
Ceuta-1583.6, Anguilla-1610 (// 690), Canaries-Spain-1179,
Portugal-1035, Spain-1026, Algeria-891, Jamaica-700,
UK-693, Ireland-612, Ireland-567 LOUD !, Germany(t)-549

*** East Harwich, Cape Cod, MA: 26 JUN 1999 ***

0823-0907 UTC: Cuba-670, Venezuela (Coro)-780,
Cuba-940, Colombia-1000, Mexico-940, Turks & Caicos-530,
Cuba-570, Cuba-600, Cuba-640, Cuba-620 (typical Cape Cod
pre-dawn surge of low band Cubans)

*** Rockport, MA: 26 JUN 1999 (pre-sunset) ***

2340-2359 UTC: Ceuta-1583.6, Spain-1575
*** Rockport, MA: 27 JUN 1999 ***

0000-0059 UTC: Canaries-621 strongest TA (huge !),
Canaries-882, Canaries-1179, Spain-1296, Spain-1143,
Spain-1098, Canaries-1008, Spain-999 het only (too
much CKBW), Azores-836, Morocco(t)-819, Spain-738,
Western Sahara-711.04, Algeria-549, Saudi Arabia (?)-
648 (AA program at 0057)

0100-0125 UTC: Spain-774, Spain-1107, Spain-729,
Venezuela-670, Netherlands-675, Spain-756,

Bruce Conti is supposed to be travelling in Florida,
Ben Dangerfield might still be in the Mediterranean,
and perhaps Jean Burnell will offer his insights
from his excellent home base in NF.  The more perspectives
we get, the better.

Some visiting my Web site have experienced some delays
or errors possibly resulting from the merger of Netcom
and Mindspring.  If these problems persist, I'll move
everything over to AOL.

Some tests of a full-size K9AY loop have been very

More later.

73 / good DX ... Mark 

Mark Connelly - Billerica, MA, USA
e-mail: WA1ION@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
homepage: http://pweb.netcom.com/~wa1ion/weblink.htm
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