[HCDX]: RE:BBC Adress & JJY
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[HCDX]: RE:BBC Adress & JJY

Dear Charles & Uwe

Thank you for your information. I'll try a report.


>By the way, DXers in Europe are still worried, if the japanese time
>signal station JJY is still active on 8000 kHz. Could you please
>check, if you can pick them up, because they announced to transfer
>their activity to longwave.

Surely, I can pick up the signal.
True JJY has announced to transfer to 40KHz,
but it is 31 March, 2001.
Till then JG2AS is regarded as "test transmission station".
After that day, it changes its name into JJY.

Best Wishes.

Akiyoshi Oomiya 
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