Re: [HCDX]: K9AY Loops
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Re: [HCDX]: K9AY Loops

-----Original Message-----
From: Mauno Ritola <ritola@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Al - K 4 G L U <merriman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, July 11, 1999 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: [HCDX]: K9AY Loops

>At 22.35 10.7.1999 -0400, you wrote:
>>For those in Europe who are interested in these antennas but do not want
>to build their own Andy Ikin of Wellbrook Communications has these for
>sale.   Andy can be
>I bought one from Andy and have been listening with for a month now. I'm
>not just quite satisfied with the performance of the loops, especially
>their directional properties. Changing from loop A to be B doesn't feel
>like turning a loop at all, the difference is very small. Could it be that
>it is hung on a birch and the leaves affect the directional pattern? I will
>see that in the autumn, maybe I should have a mast for it.
>Now I'm thinking of two other possibilities, and I'd like to ask for you
>advice, maybe you have tested these already:

It sounds to me like you do not understand how K9AY Loops are supposed to
work.  These loops do not give the classic "Figure 8" pattern that you get
from small inside the house tuned loops or larger fixed loops mounted
outside.  K9AY Loops give instead a cardiod pattern - a deep null in one
direction and a major pickup lobe in the opposite direction.  This is the
same type of pattern you would get from using terminated beverages or long
longwires or from a phasing unit.  The biggest difference between K9AY Loops
and a terminated beverage/long longwire is that the K9AY's have a much
broader pickup lobe.  Although there is some rejection off the sides by the
K9AY's it is only on the order of 1-2 s-units which is nothing like the deep
nulls which you get off the sides of beverages, etc.  Of course there is one
additional advantage - it takes a hell of a lot less land to install a pair
of K9AY's than a bunch of beverages!

>1. Would it be any better if I simply put wires of 40 metres instead in
>each direction? (That's the maximum length I can get in all directions).
>2. I could put 2 wires of 400 metres in 90 degree angle. Would I be able to
>utilize the K9AY electronics with these, maybe with minor changes inside?
>I'm mainly thinking of the beam reversion and adjustable termination
>abilities (the opposite directions are blocked to 40 metres). Or is it
>better to have them without K9AY system? I should probably connect the
>wires to only one terminal of the loop. Should I put the maximum 40 metres
>to the opposite direction?

The above will not work - the K9AY setup works with loops only.  I think you
need to spend more time with the antennas keeping in mind the way they are
supposed to work.  Also the leaves on the tree should have absolutely no
affect on the antennas performance.  If after using them for a bit longer
you still are not satisfied with their performance I would suggest that you
contact Andy - it may be that there is something wrong with your setup.  All
I can tell you is that I'm delighted with the performance of mine and every
one that I show them to says the same thing - "I want one of those!"


Al - K 4 G L U
Chincoteague Island,  VA

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