[HCDX]: V4 #1063 foreign Morse letters
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[HCDX]: V4 #1063 foreign Morse letters

> hard-core-dx       Wednesday, September 8 1999       Volume 04 : Number
> 1063
> Every language that has got special characters not found in English has
> also
> got a Morse character for that letter. For example, in Sweden we've got
> three
> letters in the alphabet after Z:
> 73 de Eric SM0JSM
	[Bob Foxworth]  In Russian, there are several special letters. The
"ch" sound (looks like a "4" written with the top open) is dah-dah-dah-dit.
The "ya" sound (looks like a backwards "R") is dit-dah-dit-dah. As I also
recall, the "sh" sound (3 vertical strokes on a base with a tab) is, I
believe, a dah-dah-dah-dah, unless it is the letter "shch" (3 vertical
strokes on a base with no tab) (as in "borshcht", or, "beet soup"  --I am a
little unsure of this one) . The "yu" sound (as in "soyuz", or, "union")
(written as an "IO" joined with a dash)  is dit-dit-dah-dah. I recall there
are a couple others but my notes are not handy. Most letters are
equivalenced in English by sound if not appearance e.g. the "backwards N"
character (as written)  is our letter "I" which remains dit-dit.  - This is
done from my memory, corrections are welcome.

	Other languages will hand the same dot-dash patterns for their own
special words, copying complete words will point to the language in use.
You're more likely to hear Cyrillic CW, IMHO, than any other extended
character set in other languages. Especially on the maritime band, unless
they're finally all on satellite.
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