[HCDX]: Jan 10/11 log
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[HCDX]: Jan 10/11 log

...sent this off almost 24h ago but didn´t see it come through, so here
comes again:

Hi all,

CAMEROON 4850 Cameroon RTV 2240-2303, French, ID on the hour 'Ici
Yaounde', African music and news, weak to fair signal (Roth Jan 10)

CHINA 4820 Xizang PBS 2305-2315, Mandarin, short announcements and
second-rate copy of Tibetan folk music, fair signal with somewhat low
modulation - I really wonder more and more why all lists and
publications say their program language is Tibetan, IT ISN´T !!! I used
to check them very often and haven´t yet heard a single word of Tibetan
from them. No surprise considering the policy of brutal repression the
Chinese are practicing in Tibet. They couldn´t put them down forcibly,
now they try hard to make them forget their identity...(Roth Jan 10)

MONGOLIA 4830 Radio Ulaanbaatar (tentative) 2315-2322, unintelligible
language due to weak signal and UTE QRM, but the music with high-pitched
string instruments sounded about right (Mongolian that is) (Roth Jan 10)

SRI LANKA 4902.4 SLBC Colombo 2325-2340, Vn, short announcements and
slow music with tabla and flute-like instrument, weak signal (Roth Jan

SRI LANKA 4940 SLBC Colombo 2342-2355, English, traces of talk with part
of ID '...Lankan Commercial Service...), weak and fluttery (Roth Jan 10)

CHINA 5060 Xinjiang PBS 0000-0015, Mongolian, ID on the hour by female
repeated by male with 'Urumqi' clearly mentioned, followed by a few
sentences and Chinese songs, very good signal (Roth Jan 11)

INDIA 4840 AIR Mumbai 0017-0035, Hindi, talk and Indian folk-music,
//4860, both very good signals, after 0100 not // anymore (Roth Jan 11)

INDIA 4800 AIR Hyderabad 0040-0102, English, commentary about 'Political
Science', unusually strong signal, ID on the hour 'Akashvani Hyderabad',
then into Hindi (Roth Jan 11)

INDIA 4880 AIR Delhi 0105-0110, Hindi, traditional Indian folk-music,
fair to good signal (Roth Jan 11)

NEPAL 5005 Radio Nepal 0112-0120, Nepali, talk about the Prime Ministers
scheduled trip to India and Indias looking into its 'open border' policy
with Nepal in the light of the recent hijacking, fair to weak signal
(Roth Jan 11)

73 de Thomas
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