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A friend of DX'ing has ask me to post this:

Alfredo Cotroneo, who runs Nexus-IRRS in Milan, Italy
has started experimental evening transmissions on
weekends on 7120. These *should* be audible at least
on the East Coast and in the Central US and Canada.
These transmissions are especially interesting because
they're in pure SSB (USB)with 10 kW of power into an
L-dipole, i.e. pretty much omni-directional.
These transmissions feature free radio programs from
Europe, and the  producers are eager to see if they
reach NA.

I know you've got lots of DX/SWL connections, also
through the Net, so I thought I'd ask you to spread
the word. Nexus would like to get as many reports as
possible to get a picture of reception over there.
Reports can beemailed to:


The Nexus homepage is: www.nexus.org

The sked URL is:

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